So long, for now

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She kept walking. Walking. Walking. Not sure of where to go. Jenna could camp out somewhere on Titan but it was such a small planet, they were sure to find her. The only thing she was sure of was that she needed to find all six stones to return to Thanos, or her Father as he liked to call himself.

Considering she drew her power from the stones, Jenna had no idea where they could be. Which is a great start. "Guess I'll just have to go anywhere and everywhere until one appears" she sighed.
Jenna looked back at the field of Dahlias. Thanos was stood in the middle of them all, his large physique crushing the few he stood upon. Jenna despised Thanos, even though he was her 'father'.

As she arose into the air, she took one last look at Titan, Cull was waving at her, she did a small wave back, Cull had a sweet soul but dark intentions. He didn't say much, just grunted half the time. Turning back she made her way further into the sky, away from the place she knew as home. She didn't dare look back, Thanos would've labelled her as weak if she did. There was an ache in her heart, but why? She hated the fact that she called these aliens family but it really is the only form of family she ever knew.

She was trying to brainstorm places to go as she traveled through the stars. She looked pretty stupid to anyone passing by, she was just floating, she felt like floating. Time passes differently everywhere, an hour in Titan could be a year on Earth. It was crazy. Jenna felt crazy, she also felt pointless, her floating felt pointless but she had to do it.

She wanted her freedom.

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