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Jenna followed Valkyrie to her room so she could find her old armour. It was tucked away in the bottom of a wooden box, it held memories, that's why it was at the bottom of the box, it never left it.

"I remember the day, it started out like any other, then she betrayed us, like that, why?" Valkyrie held her armour whilst reliving the day, turning to Jenna, whose eyes were wide, asking why.
"She was trying to get back at Odin, he used her as a weapon, she hated it, she hated him. I remember watching from the balcony, it wasn't until I got down there, that I realised it was Hela."
"You stood by her once she killed my troupes. My family!"
"I was wrong to stand by her, but I have a plan for when we arrive on Asgard, your going to have to trust me."
"Fine. I know her banishment hurt you, I'm sorry for the pain you went through,"
"No Valkyrie. I'm sorry for the pain you went through, today we will serve justice!"

They eventually met Thor and Loki in the centre of the tower.
"We need a ship!" Thor stated,
"Don't you worry brother, I have it covered. A perk of being in the Grandmaster's close circle is that I have access to all his ships and more. I just can't remember which floor they are on."
"That's fine love, me and V will check down here whilst you and Thor check the top, we will eventually meet in the middle. Also, how did you get into his circle love?" Jenna asked, eyes watching his every move, scanning his every emotion.
"Classified information dear."
"Brother we need to go, you two can have a lover's quarrel once we defeat our sister and are back on Midgard!" Everyone nodded before running off to start the search.

Thor and Loki headed into the elevator and onto the top floor. The ride was a long one, Thor decided to make small talk.
"I quite like Sakaar, don't you think brother?" Thor started,
"Yes it is quite nice. I was thinking about staying here a little longer. I'm yet to ask Jen though."
"You two would like it here. It's a good idea."
"Did you just agree with me?" Loki was bewildered,
"This place is perfect for you both. Savage. Chaotic. Lawless."
"Why do you make it sound like you think so little of us?"
"Loki, I think the world of you both. I always thought we were going to fight side by side forever, but at the end of the day I'm me and you guys are you. There's good in both of you, but me and you both have different paths. Ones that diverged a long time ago."
"It's probably for the best that our paths don't change, that we rarely see each other." Loki was visibly hurt, why had Thor's views changed so much?
"Well it's what you always wanted. A life with Jenna. Without your big brother always there." Tears we're brewing in Loki's eyes, but before they could fall, the elevator dinged and Thor stepped out.

Already on the floor was Jenna and Valkyrie.
"We found the ships" Valkyrie shouted,
"How did you?"
"Teleportation Thor, a skill of mine." Jenna laughed before walking over to Loki, "hey, you okay, looks like you have been crying."
"I'm fine. Let's pick a ship." Loki watched Jenna run off like a kid in a candy store. He truly loved her, but Thor's words were still in his mind.

Korg and Miek had now joined in the quest to defeat Hela. Once the ship was in the air, Thor was searching for the weapons on the ship. They were near enough out of Sakaar when he realised,
"There are no guns on this ship!" Then he realised that the Grandmaster's troupes were trying to stop them from leaving, now more ships were flying and firing at them.

Jenna had climbed onto the roof, she was using her powers to blast ships down.
"Isn't there a big red button Thor, if so, press it GENTLY!" She was shouting from the roof,
"Jen, there isn't one. VALKYRIE, WHAT IS THIS SHIP USED FOR!" Thor was now panicking and annoyed,
"Err the Grandmaster used it for good times, orgys and stuff."
"Brother, were you a part of those good times?" Thor smirked. Loki was sat down, minding his own business, then he was visibly shocked at Thor's awful question.

"Loki! For your own personal safety you better say no!" Jenna was still ontop of the ship.

Luckily they managed to escape through the 'devils anus' unharmed.

To Asgard!

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