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It was the next day. Jenna had ended up forcing Wanda to try and get some sleep last night. Vision hadn't come home last night so she was very distressed. Wanda had set so many alarms for the morning but each one was snoozed so in the end Jenna quite literally had to drag her out of bed.

"Wanda it's almost two in the afternoon you need to wake up." Jenna exclaimed as she dragged the duvet off a half asleep Wanda who was still in last night's clothes. Her only response was a groan and then covering her face with her hands out of despair and somehow the fact she was tired.

The twins were downstairs watching the tv also wondering where their father and uncle were because Pietro didn't return either. Jenna wasn't too bothered about Pietro because she had funny feelings about him. She went downstairs to greet the boys and make them some form of breakfast, the fridge was near enough empty as were the cupboards, the only edible food she could find was some sugar puffs and a carton of milk.

Jenna put four bowls on the kitchen countertop, one for each of them. After cereal was in each bowl Jenna unscrewed the lid to the milk. Once she poured a decent amount into each bowl she took the boys their cereal then returned to get hers. By the time she bad returned, the carton had changed completely. It went from a cardboard container to a black and white plastic bottle just like back in the fifties. Jenna sniffed the milk from her bowl before placing a spoonful in her mouth. It was going to be fine, she couldn't die. As Wanda followed Jenna downstairs she did the exact same process that she did, pick up the bowl of cereal and sniff the milk.

Jenna, Billy and Tommy all sat at the table to eat their cereal whereas Wanda took her place on the sofa. She put her bowl down on the table infront of her and patted the cushions behind her into place before picking her bowl up again. The three of them watched from the table, Wanda hadn't said a word all morning and they were highly confused.
"Is mum okay?" Tommy turned to Jenna,
"I think she's just tired, she needs a break." She nodded, fixing her eyes back on her sister.

Jenna got up from her chair and sat on the sofa next to Wanda but her eyes didn't move from the television.
"Morning to you too. I'm going to take the boys to the park for a bit to let you relax a little more." Jenna let her know but as she went to stood up Wanda grabbed her wrist.
"You don't have too, you need to relax as well as me." She smiled.

Suddenly the doorbell rang at the perfect time. In wandered Agnes.
"I heard someone needs some mum time." She giggled,
"Oh Agnes your a lifesaver." Wanda beamed,
"I'll take the boys to the park, come on you two, let's give your mum and aunt a break shall we?" She ushered them out the door, closing it behind her. Jenna sat wide eyed, her heart raced. How could Wanda just let her neighbour take the boys like that?
"Wanda, do you really trust Agnes?"
"Of course I do, she has been there for me since the beginning. I trust her completely." Wanda assured Jenna but she still wasn't one hundred percent sure.

Time had passed, Vision still wasn't back and the boys were still with Agnes. Jenna was looking out of the boys bedroom and out to the kids park. It was empty, not a child in sight. She heard Wanda coming up the stairs but she stayed where she was stood.
"Wanda...why are there no other children in WestView?" Jenna turned to face her,
"What do you mean, of course there are." Wanda laughed at her question, "why would you ask that?"
"It's just, I've look at that play park ever since I got here and there has never been a child in it. On halloween there were no other children out other than Billy and Tommy. It's weird Wanda."
"I don't know what your talking about Jen, your probably tired."
"Wanda please stop lying." Jenna's words were soft.
"You sound just like Vision!" She shouted back, silencing Jenna. "Why do you both honestly think that I am controlling everything? That I, I am somehow in charge of everybody here, making sure they mow their lawns, walk their dogs, getting them to dentist appointments on time!"

"I don't know how any of this started in the first place... but I do know that I'm going to need your help to fix it." Wanda gazed at Jenna asking for her help.
"Your strong enough, you don't need me. I'm going to fetch the boys from Agnes, then we can all go and look for Vision." Jenna decided as she went downstairs and walked out the door, leaving Wanda watching from the window.

Jenna knocked on Agnes' door but there was no answer, instead it was the slightest bit open. Thankfully Agnes' house was in view from where Wanda was, she saw everything happen and was even skeptical herself so she chased after Jenna. She finally caught up to her just as she was stepping inside.
"Agnes? Billy? Tommy?" They both called, now getting seriously worried about where they were.

That was when Jenna noticed that the door leading to the basement was open, maybe they were all down there. One of the first things she noticed was the flood of purple magic that echoed around the door and walls leading down. Jenna and Wanda both summoned their magic as an act of self defence as they wandered down the steps.

The basement however was empty, the only person there was...

"The names Agatha Harkness, pleasure to finally meet you dear."

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