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Jenna and Scott were stood upon the cliffs of New Asgard, the salty sea air filling their lungs whilst the breeze blew their hair everywhere. It was midday, the sun was at its peak and was shining down making everything slightly warmer. They stood in silence just overlooking the ocean below them, there were a few boats out on the water, they were clearly fishing for produce.
Scott was the first to break the silence.

"You seem happier now Jen." Scott looked over at his best friend, beaming from ear to ear,
"Really? If anything I feel worse, things have happened since the blip, things I wish never did." She frowned, looking down at her feet.
"You miss Loki, don't you?"
"More and more every day. But that visit to Strange really helped, obviously the guilt from losing Heimdall is still there."
"What exactly happened to Loki?"
"My Father strangled him right before me but he had trapped me so I couldn't do anything to help, in seconds the love of my life was gone and there was nothing I could do." Jenna's words were blunt, her silence after spoke more than words ever could.

Scott couldn't bring himself to speak, instead he wrapped an arm around Jenna, pulling her close. He placed a kiss to her temple to which she rested her head on his shoulders. They sat down on the grass until the sun started to set. That's when Scott decided to speak again.
"Come and stay with me and Hope, little Cassie would love to meet her Auntie Jen." He offered, well he wasn't really offering he was demanding.
"Thank you Scott, remember you, Hope and Cassie are also allowed here any time you wish."

The pair linked arms and started to make their way back to Jenna's house, as they got closer to the front door, they realised someone was stood outside.
"Valkyrie? What are you doing here?" Jenna called, confused as to why she was there,
"I wanted to speak to Scott, just a couple of things Korg wanted me to mention." She was obviously lying, but Jenna didn't realise,
"Okay, why don't you both go to the coffee shop, can you bring me back a muffin please." Jenna asked as she ushered them away so she could relax again.

That was the problem. She couldn't relax. The guilt and pain of losing Heimdall rushed over her, making her feel emotionally numb for a split second until sorrow entered her bloodstream.

Meanwhile, Scott and Valkyrie were seated at the window in the coffee shop. Scott held Jenna's chocolate chip muffin in a small paper bag.
"I'm worried about her Valkyrie, she isn't herself, especially after what happened with Heimdall."
"What do you mean what happened with Heimdall?" Valkyrie tilted her head and furrowed her brows. Scott paused before answering, he knew he had said too much.
"His passing, she felt that there was something more she could do. She's all over the place at the moment." He tried to sound as convincing as he could.

Back at the house, Jenna ran from the living room into her bedroom, slamming the door in the process. Sobs motioned uncontrollably through her body as she stood stationary in the middle of her dimly lit room. Every part of her ached, she needed Loki back, all she wanted was for him to hold her in his arms again. Her thoughts left her heart bleeding.

Screaming out in pure rage, she gripped the vase of flowers on her bedside table and threw it across the room. Using all her strength to destroy something in the exact way that she had been destroyed. Shards of glass covered the floor, you had to watch where you were walking otherwise you would be in so much pain. Jenna's hands clenched, purple fleeing from them, her eyes fixated on the mess.

Letting out a shocked breath, she realised what she had done. She relaxed every tense muscle in her body. What had she become? Jenna was turning into someone she didn't recognise. Flopping down onto her bed, she pulled the duvet and mound of blankets high over her, sobbing into the pillows and sheets, letting them absorb every drop of her pain.

Jenna cried until she had nothing left to give, until sleep took her under its wing, drawing her into a world of dreams that she hoped would pull her away from her nightmare that was the reality she lived in. A world of nothingness. A world without heartbreak.

A world where she lived happily ever after.

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