All together now

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Jenna rose at six in the morning along with the sun. She gently climbed out of the bed, careful not to wake Loki up but he was still in a deep sleep. The en-suite door creaked open and she slipped inside, flicking the switch to turn on the bright white light that ever so slightly stung her eyes.

She twisted the cold tap and splashed the freezing water onto her face which most definitely woke her up. Jenna lifted her head so she could look in the mirror, the dark circles under her eyes spoke more than words. It was clear that the good nights sleep she thought she had was nothing but imaginary. She sighed and walked into the closet, digging out her trousers, top and boots to later pair with her chunky boots and horns. After she was dressed she turned to exit the closet but jumped out of her skin straight away. In the doorway to the closet was Loki, he was still half asleep.

"You slept well love, you were still asleep when I got up, usually your the first to rise." Jenna smiled as she hugged his waist. Loki placed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
"But you didn't. Jenna you were awake every hour on the hour, tossing and turning. How can I possibly help you overcome these nightmares?" He sighed, all he wanted was to help the one he loved.
"They're not nightmares Loki." Jenna scoffed but she knew she was lying. They were nightmares. Replays of Pietro and Visions deaths. She also heard Billy and Tommy screaming time and time again, even though that never actually occurred because the last thing she knew of them was their innocent smiles as they were tucked into bed for the last time.
"Jenna. Stop lying, I think you forget that sometimes I can read minds. I've seen some of them and it's horrifying I know but I'm here and I'm never leaving you." He gripped her shoulders and stared into her eyes.

However their intimate moment was interrupted by the chime of the doorbell and a scatter of knocks placed on the door. The pair ran over to the window and flung it open. Poking their heads out they were greeted by a very visibly different Thor who was beaming at their front door. He had cut his hair again and had clearly recovered from the events of the past few years. Thor seemed happier in himself, he was Thor again.

Jenna let Loki open up the door for him, the brothers had been apart for so long it was only right that they had their moment first. Thor gripped Loki so tightly as they held onto each other once again.
"Brother, I'm never letting you go again." Thor declared as he pulled away, he turned to Jenna next. "Jenna, thank you for bringing him back to us, we all owe you so much." He smiled as he hugged her too.

By the time Thor had settled in the sun had set and the stars were in the sky. He helped Loki light the firepit that was in the garden and turn on all the fairy lights whilst Jenna made hot chocolate for their company that was on the way. Valkyrie, Miek and Korg had shown up just in time, the fire was roaring and the chocolate was fresh off the stove.

The six of them were now sat around the fire, talking like family and laughing all together, well Miek was sqawking but the rest were talking. Out of nowhere Miek squawked something for Korg to translate to everyone.
"Hey guys, Miek suggested that we should all reveal something about ourselves that no one else knows." Korg relayed, everyone agreed to the idea.

Korg was the first to speak, "I am really ashamed of this one guys. I had lived on Sakaar for many many years, during those years I was in charge of all the weapons that were used for the fights. After every fight I made sure that those who were competing cleaned their weapons. I'm sorry guys but there was a time where I never cleaned my own weapons after a fight." Everyone did a jokey gasp towards his statement but shortly after they all burst into laughter, including Korg himself.

"Right, I'll go next." Thor boomed, "I remember Jenna told me this story once. I must have been about a few years old so I was a very small Asgardian. My powers were starting to develop but I never truly tapped into them until a few years ago."
"Thor just get to the point." Loki sneered, his head in his hands out of sheer boredom.
"Alright alright. To conclude, Jenna was taking me on a walk round the gardens and I accidentally electrocuted her."
"Oh yes I remember that, we were stood infront of the roses and the next thing I know I was lying on the grass."

Next in the circle was Loki. He sighed as he took a sip from his mug.
"Well I'm going to keep it short and sweet unlike Thor who took three thousand years to explain. Anyway, I was very ill one day but I had promised Jenna a date. I would have felt awful if I had cancelled so instead I casted an illusion of myself to go with her instead. There you go." Jenna blushed at his story, she knew it was an illusion but she didn't want to ruin his moment.

Valkyrie was next to tell her tale.
"I was fortunate enough to be one of the Grandmaster's closest accomplices. It meant I had access to almost everything on Sakaar, even his ships. Every week I would clean all of the ships, just to keep them shiny. Well, one time I was cleaning and I accidentally stumbled upon the Grandmaster and someone else in his ship. It wasn't very pleasant. That ship had a very deep clean after."

Jenna was last.
"The infinity gauntlet that was in Odins treasure vault all these years was actually fake. I actually stole the real one for my father to have when I was still working for him. The fake one only had space for five stones and was a lot smaller, I found it in a comic shop on Midgard which I also brought using Tony Stark's credit card." Jenna clasped her hands together waiting for a gasp but everyone laughed instead.

They were all relieved to be back together again.

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