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Steve, Thor, Loki and Jenna were now in the quinjet on their way to Sokovia. The air was heavy and the ride there was quiet, everyone had a job to do and they knew that they couldn't mess up.
Steve was driving the jet with Thor in the passenger, whilst Loki and Jenna were sat in the back.

Loki kept sending Jenna reassuring looks and small smiles to comfort her. She wasn't scared, just a bit apprehensive because the whole mission depended on her.

"We are landing in 3...2...1" Steve announced, he had landed the jet in the woods just outside of the centre of Sokovia. The door opened and the four stepped out into the snow. Loki was mesmerised by the snow, he had never seen anything like it. Thor was tempted to make snow angels and snowmen but he knew he had to hold back, he was being professional right now.

Steve handed Jenna an earpiece,
"With this we can hear you through comms, you don't need to press any buttons, make sure your hair covers it at all times."
"Aye aye captain" Jenna smirked, earning a chuckle from Steve.

"Right Jen, do you know what you have to do." Thor asked, placing a hand on her shoulder,
"Go into the base pretending I am there because Dreykov sent me, send the agents your way so you can fight them, gather as much information as I can and get out of there as quickly as I can."
"Wait, Dreykov?" Loki asked,
"Yeah, Natasha said that if they ask I was a widow, because this is her old suit, and that I left because Dreykov wants me in Hydra."
"Don't worry Loki, Hydra will believe anything" Steve reassured him.

"Good luck Jen" Thor hugged her,
"Thank Thor, if I need help I shall use the device within my ear...the earpiece" she said with an innocent smile.
"See you soon love"
Jenna turned round and waved back to them all. Was she nervous? Yes, but she was also excited.

Jenna made her way through the town and through the market. It was filled with so many people, they were all so happy, even the kids were running around. It reminded her so much of Asgard. In the distance she could see the base, it was an old abandoned castle. The big oak doors were too heavy for her to push, so she pushed them open with some magic.
"Jenna, did you just use your magic?"
"Of course not Steve...okay fine I was opening the door!"
"Just be careful!"

The doors slammed themselves behind her,
"So, you are here to work for us?" A sly voice came out of nowhere,
"I am yes, who are you?" Jenna had put on an accent, very similar to the voice who just spoke,
"I am Baron Strucker, but you can call me Strucker, and you are?"
"Jenna...Romanoff." She had to think on the spot, was that a good surname choice?

Strucker led her through the base, there were many agents on computers, but she couldn't see what was on the screens. He led her into a room, very small, it had a table and two chairs.
"I want to talk...sit" he pulled a chair out for her, "I see you are a widow. One of Dreykov's?" He questioned,
"Yes sir, he sent me here to work for you, he no longer needs me as a widow." Still holding onto her accent,
"Were you the best of the best?"
"Apparently I was the best of my group, especially with the guns I was told"
"Magic?" He was now flicking through two files,
"Yes sir" panic struck Jenna, why did she say that?
"That's great!" He stared into her eyes,

"You can help train the twins."

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