Is this Valhalla?

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They stood still, both pairs of eyes fixed on the magic before them. Jenna was shaking, tears leaving her eyes, this was her one and only chance at the life she had always wanted, had she blown it? Her bottom lip started to tremble, Scott noticed and put his arms around her, pulling her into a hug as Jenna sobbed into his shoulder.

Little did they know, Loki's eyes were slowly itching open, taking in their surroundings,
"Is this...Valhalla?" He murmured, unaware of where he was. Jenna's head shot up from Scott's shoulder, she turned towards Loki, still in his coffin. She gasped and her hands flew to her mouth to stop her from screaming at three in the morning, she quickly wiped away her tears, not caring about any smudged makeup. She didn't care what she looked like, she had Loki back.

"Jenna, is it really you?" A smile etched onto Loki's face, he was still trying to work out where he was,
"Yes, yes Loki it's me." She gripped his hands, the smile on her face larger than life. Loki looked towards Scott, pointing a finger and furrowing his brows,
"Oh, Scott Lang, I've heard lots about you." Scott held his hand out for a hesitant Loki to take.
"I have so much to tell you Loki." Jenna exclaimed, she couldn't control her excitement.
"You can tell me dear, once I get out of this glass box."

Loki twisted and turned in the glass coffin, he moved so much that he eventually fell out of the box, ultimately waking Cassie up. Jenna and Scott tried their hardest not to laugh but a little giggle escaped them both, earning them a glare from Loki who was still on the floor.

Little patters of feet entered their room, Cassie was stood by Scott's feet, rubbing her eyes,
"Daddy, what was that noise?" Cassie asked,
"Don't worry peanut, it was Uncle Loki falling out of...bed." Scott paused, he almost said coffin.
"Wait, Uncle?" Loki lifted his head from the floor, but he was cut off by Jenna speaking,
"I'll take you back to bed sweetie." She clutched Cassie's small hand and lifted her up, taking her back to bed,
"Thanks Auntie Jen." Cassie whispered into her shoulder, Jenna turned back to face Loki,
"Like I said, lots to tell you."

Loki stood up from the floor and brushed himself off, he reached into the coffin and picked up the sets of daggers, gazing down at them full of so much joy and nostalgia.
"She kept them, after all these years." He cradled them in his hands,
"Of course I did, they're good weapons after all."

Scott ended up going to sleep, after an eventful day he said he needed at least twelve hours of beauty sleep. Jenna and Loki being the Gods that they were, they didn't really need sleep so Jenna led him downstairs to explain the past six years.

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