We found our paradise

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It had been three weeks since Fenrir was rescued from Jotunheim. This time they all made sure that Laufey was gone for definite. The first few nights home, Fenrir did have trouble sleeping and had quite a few nightmares but Jenna was always there to put calmer, more happier images in his mind.

Wanda moved back into her home in the town. The twins would stay with her sometimes so she could have company and that Loki and Jenna could have some peace. Thor too ended up buying his own home in New Asgard, it was just down the road from Wanda's (everyone thinks he secretly has a little crush on her). Scott was also due to come visit soon and today was finally the day they all saw him again.

Jenna was getting the house ready for when everyone arrived, she and Loki had sent the children down to see Thor whilst they cleaned, organised and prepared food. Loki had just lit the firepit out in the garden and hung fairy lights all around. Jenna came out to see his work,
"It's beautiful darling although these cushions need fluffing, don't you think?" She smiled,
"That is my next task then." He sent Jenna back inside along with a kiss to her cheek.

Making his grand entrance, Scott burst through the door and straight into Jenna's arms.
"I missed you so so much, life in San Francisco is amazing but it will never top New Asgard!" Scott cried into Jenna's shoulders,
"I missed you too Scott."
"Where are the twins?" He pleaded, he had waited so long to see them again.
"They're in town with Wanda but they'll all be here soon." Scott clapped his hands like an excited child.

It was now later in the evening and everyone was sat around the firepit in the garden. Thor was walking round with a blanket on his head whilst he was chasing Dahlia and Fenrir round and round before they all fell into a giggling heap on the grass. Jenna turned back to look at them before turning to Loki,
"It's not quite the Asgardian gardens but it will do." She laughed as Fenrir jumped right on top of Thor,
"Imagine how much fun they would have had on Asgard, I know they would have loved it." Loki smiled, reminiscing everything that realm gave them.

"I know this is a crazy thought." Loki started as he picked up his glass of Asgardian whiskey that was now nearly empty. Jenna took a deep breath because she knew this conversation could go anywhere.
"What if the multiverse existed?" Loki stated,
"The what now?" Jenna asked, she was absolutely baffled.
"The multiverse...Vis had his theories about that." Wanda nodded,
"The multiverse is a concept in which we know not a lot about but what if there were more versions of us...variants of us?" Loki continued,
"Love, why don't you put the drink down." Jenna tapped him on the shoulder,
"No no, he's right. When I read the darkhold, there was a lot in there about the multiverse. A lot in fact about how we should never tamper with it or try to interfere at all." Wanda leant over to Jenna while a drunk Loki smirked.

It didn't take long for Loki to sober up again, this time he was teaching the children how to shoot fireworks from their hands.
"Like that...yes that's it!" He cheered as both of them picked it up pretty quickly. Now it was Jenna's turn to teach them both something, Wanda joined in on the teaching too.

"We are going to teach you some ballet, just like Auntie Nat taught us." Wanda started. The twins were willing to cooperate but in the end, Fenrir found Loki's trick cooler. Dahlia got the hang of ballet but tripped over her own two feet, causing Thor to laugh so she electrocuted him out of spite. Definitely her father's daughter.

"Mama, uncle Thor drunk all our apple juice." Dahlia whined,
"And there's no more in the cupboard." Fenrir backed his sister up.

That was when Jenna decided that she should go and buy more apple juice so that they could enjoy the rest of their evening without complaints from the two who think they run the household. Jenna flipped on her cloak and shut the front door, making her way down into town. On her way down she passed Heimdall and Valkyrie's graves. She knelt down beside Valkyrie's and leant her forehead against it.
"I know that tonight would have been so much happier with you two here. You would have adored the twins Heimdall and I know they would have loved you." She felt tears prick in her eye so she quickly wiped them away using her cape. "They both wanted more apple juice because Thor drunk all theirs, I'll come see you both tomorrow to tell you how late the stayed up." She laughed as she got up from the ground.

The twins ended up going to bed just after two am. Wanda had crashed on the sofa whilst Scott was on the floor and Thor was on the kitchen counter for some reason.

Jenna and Loki were now about to drift off until Loki got up and walked over to the window to watch the sunrise. He pulled Jenna out of bed and over with him.

"I'm completely and utterly in love with you Jenna Laufeyson."
"I'm completely and utterly in love with you Loki Laufeyson." She beamed as she leant up to kiss him.

"Hey Loki,"
"Yes dear?"
"Do you remember ages ago, back on Asgard, when we talked about finding our own paradise."
"I believe so?"
"Well...I think we found it."

"This is our paradise."

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