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After driving for almost three hours, Jenna finally reached the sword base. The base was situated in the middle of no where, surrounding it was miles and miles of empty fields. She was starting to wonder why she didn't just teleport there. Flashbacks of when she delivered Visions body here started to come back to her, was this another reason why she was here?

Jenna turned the key in the car, turning it off. She could see the base out of her car mirror, she kept staring at it before taking a deep breath and stepping out. The glass double doors opened as she stepped up to them. The base hadn't changed much in five years but the staff had.

As she walked through the entrance, whispers could be heard all around her, some good some bad. The man at the front desk had a very shocked expression upon his face, so Jenna stood and smiled, making herself seem as approachable as possible. With a large smile on her face, she greeted him.

"Hi, I'm here for a meeting with Tyler Hayward." The man pressed a couple of keys on his computer, as he was doing so, Tyler Hayward came out of some doors and beside Jenna.
"Miss Thanosdottir, hi." He greeted her, more gasps and whispers were heard at the mention of her surname.
"Hi, you must be Hayward." She held out her hand for him to shake, "you can just call me Jenna."
"Follow me then Jenna." He smiled.

Hayward led Jenna down corridors, taking lefts and rights until they were finally stood over a laboratory of some sort. There were six tables in the centre of the room, each spread accordingly. It looked as if they used to accompany a body. The lab was filled with machines and wires.

"In here we had the Visions body." Haywards words froze Jenna, this was no place to keep Vision, he needed to be preserved not torn apart like a ragdoll. "He was recently stolen from here by Miss Maximoff herself. You are the closest living relative she has, do you have any idea why she would do this?" He turned to Jenna, he was clearly expecting a straightforward answer so she gave him one.

"I have an idea why." Hayward stared at her with intent, he was finally getting the answer he wanted, or was he? "To you, Wanda may have stolen Vision but to her, she was giving the one she loved the most the funeral he deserved. It most probably killed her inside to see him torn apart on these tables, being used as a lab experiment."
"Wanda can't go and bury billions of dollars worth of Vibranium in the ground for anyone to take." He raised his voice in anger.
"And who are you to dictate what she can and can't do!" Jenna snapped back,
"Because since you left him here he became our property."
"Wanda was his next of kin, it is her choice what happened with him. She has made that choice and I couldn't be more proud of her!"

"Actually, there is something else you should know." Hayward informed her, "there is a base just outside of New Jersey. It would be better if we were there, then you could see it for yourself."

Jenna furrowed her brows in confusion. What was there to see?

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