He's never been so happy

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Jenna and Loki had a long and peaceful honeymoon on Titan. Since the death of Thanos, no one lived on the planet. It was somehow still thriving beautifully. It was safe to say that they needed a break from their hectic new life.

Wanda was now living with them in the house, she took amazing care of it whilst they were gone. She was eternally grateful for their love towards her. Scott regularly visited but stayed home more to spend more time with Cassie because they just grow up so fast, sometimes he would bring Cassie with him to see Wanda whilst Jenna and Loki were away. Wanda had too fallen in love with Cassie, she truly did miss being a mum.

They got home late Saturday evening, Wanda had stayed up to see them in before heading off to bed herself. Jenna went straight up to bed and as soon as her head hit the pillow she was asleep. Loki however still sometimes had trouble sleeping and tonight seemed to be one of those nights. He knew that if Jenna woke up she would stay awake with him and comfort him how he used to her when she couldn't sleep but he didn't want her to wake so instead he lay beside her, gently brushing her hair behind her ears.
"What did you do to make me so in love with you Mrs Laufeyson?" He whispered before kissing her and heading downstairs. All he could think about was the next chapter in their life, whatever it may be.

*one month later*

Jenna rushed around upstairs to locate Wanda but she wasn't there. Next she ran downstairs and frantically searched the house but she wasn't there either. That was until she saw that the garden doors were open and Wanda was in fact stood outside by the small tree she had planted whilst Jenna and Loki were away. It was a Manuka tree, specifically because it was the only tree beginning with M that would thrive on New Asgard.

The M was for Maximoff. Infront of the small tree was a plaque displaying that the tree was dedicated to the Maximoff's who we have loved and lost. Wanda's parents, Pietro, Vision, Billy and Tommy. It was a beautiful gesture and Wanda deserved to have something to remember them all by.

Jenna slowly walked up beside Wanda and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Hi Jen, are you okay, your never up this early." Wanda chuckled,
"Well I am today, I wanted to tell you something and ask for your help." Jenna took a long pause before telling Wanda.

"I'm pregnant Wand." She smiled as she finally got the big news off her chest. Wanda excitedly squealed and tightly hugged Jenna.
"I'm going to be an auntie!" She loudly whispered, "your having a little Laufeyson."
"Well, it will be a Lokison."
"Oh Jen, we always talked about this. I just wish my theee could be here to celebrate with us." She sadly smiled.

Without thinking, Wanda placed her hands on Jenna's stomach.
"Little Lokisons." She exclaimed with a huge smile.
"No Wand, Lokison, just the one."
"No Jen, your having twins."
"Twins!" Jenna felt faint but managed to stay upright, "how am I going to tell Loki?"

*the next morning*

Loki hadn't slept very well that night but he stayed in bed with Jenna because he felt that something was off about her but he just couldn't put his finger on it. Jenna met him downstairs along with Wanda who too was an early riser when she wanted to be.

Jenna picked her cape off of the hook and slung it over her shoulders.
"I'm just popping into the centre to pick something up, you coming love?" Jenna turned to Loki who immediately got up from the stool and grabbed his wife's hand.
"I would go anywhere to spend time with you, even if it was just down the road." They bidded Wanda goodbye before heading down town. Wanda knew exactly what Jenna had up her sleeve.

"Yes, it's a much more efficient way of opening letters." Loki and Jenna were almost in the town when they were discussing why all the letter envelopes were sliced open. "Jenna, I have daggers for a reason, when I'm not in battle they are very useful. Anyway dear, what shop are we going into."
"This one." They were now stood outside the baby shop full of everything a young Asgardian may need.
"Oh, are you getting something for Cassie?"
"Something like that."

Linda, the owner of the shop, placed a small parcel infront of Jenna. That's when Loki wanted to open it immediately because he was purely confused. He pulled his dagger from thin air and sliced it open. Slowly picking the item out of the packaging he realised that it wasn't for Cassie at all. He looked at Jenna but she couldn't stop smiling.

Loki placed both items on the desk infront of him. It was in fact two baby-suits. One said mischief maker 1 and the other said mischief maker 2. Jenna had ordered them as soon as she heard the news of both her bundles of joy. He stared down at both surprises, searching for the right words in his mind. The only thing he managed to say was...
"There's two? Your having twins?"

Loki and Jenna were sat in bed later that evening. Wanda was just making some tea before she came upstairs too. He laid his head just underneath her stomach, listening to the heartbeats and thinking about endless questions.
"What if the babies are blue, they will both be half frost giant." He panicked but Jenna soon calmed him down.
"Loki, they could be snakes and I know we would still love them." He now looked hopeful.
"They could have your powers but I'll guess we just have to wait and see."

"Our little Lokisons, or Lokidottirs."

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