Lady in waiting

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*1500 years later*

Jenna had stayed on Asgard for the foreseeable future. Everyone else was aging but Jenna hadn't aged a day. Her immortality scared her, will she be forever alone?
Jenna had witnessed empires rise and fall at the hands of Odin in the past thousand odd years. She did actually participate in a handful of the battles, her skills definitely warned other parties off Asgard for a while, no one was sure to invade for a long long time.

She did miss Hela dearly but she didn't want to act upon her promise too quickly, you never know who is watching. Jenna checked up on Hela's room every day to see if she happened to return, but she hadn't. Jenna didn't want to grieve because she believed that Hela wasn't dead. Odin did stoop low but not low enough to kill his own daughter.

Jenna was alone in a realm full of people. The Asgardians felt sorry for Jenna, she lost the one person closest to her heart. The fruit stall owner started giving her free apples, but Jenna couldn't take them. She would break down over an apple. It was silly really but she had never known how to deal with loss because she had never lost anyone before.

Frigga needed a new lady in waiting as her recent had retired, Jenna stepped up, with nothing to do, she thought it was best to keep her busy and her mind off Hela. She didn't want to feel useless anymore.

Jenna woke up to the sound of hammers and builders. It was only down the corridor.
"What on Midgard is going on this early!?" She muttered to herself, still half asleep. She fell out of bed and found one of her many dresses to wear. The dressmaker made some fabulous ones. She only wore dresses when she felt like it, other than that she was in her armour. Jenna's room was quite plain, as the majority of her time was spent in Hela's room. She had a golden four poster bed, with white sheets made from the finest Asgardian silk. She had a vase of Dahlia's to remind her of Titan. Her en-suite bathroom was nothing special, the same gold that the bed was made from encased a large bathtub and shower. She had a small bowl of fake infinity stones that her and Hela made, they collected rocks from the riverside and painted them, it was a sweet reminder of their friendship.

Jenna slipped on a black dress, she wore black more in memory of Hela, and strutted down the hallway to the construction noise at eight in the morning. It seemed to be coming from Hela's room. Jenna forced open the doors, her hands glowing purple, her eyes the same purple. She was raging.

The black and green room was now a pure white, completely contrasting to what it was before. Jenna was losing her breath because she was so angry, tears formed in her eyes. They were turning the room into a nursery for Frigga's baby who was due any day now.
"GET OUT!" Jenna ordered
"But Miss we"
"I DONT CARE. LEAVE. NOW, BEFORE YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!" The multiple builders fled as quickly as they could. Jenna stepped over to where Hela's shelf used to be. The shelf once held a skull, the skull of a deer, it was painted gold and had small black marbling over it, Jenna had painted the gold, Hela the black. It was no longer there, probably destroyed with the rest of Hela's belongings.

"Jenna" Frigga was stood at the doorway.
"Out of the hundreds of rooms you could have used, you chose this one. How could you?" Jenna scolded.
"It wasn't my choice, it was Odins"
"Of course it was."
Frigga just walked away. Jenna left staring at the doorway, she felt guilty and betrayed.

Hours had passed. Jenna was met with the news of a royal baby. A little boy.

An Odinson.

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