This can't be happening!

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Jenna and Loki slowly moved closer to the group of frost giants. Laufey stood still, maintaining his power, whilst the other giants held spears made out of ice towards the Gods. It got progressively colder the longer they were there, snow even started to bluster down, making it harder to see.

"Laufey!" Loki shouted as he got closer, but Laufey took no notice and his attention was entirely on Jenna.
"Ahh Thanosdottir, heard your a Laufeyson now, welcome to the family." He held his arms out beside him. Jenna stayed silent because she was in pure shock. Loki had more to say anyway.
"Family? There was never a family and there never will be. You let Odin take me! Thats when this so called family ended, right when it started." He was angry and determined to protect his wife and children.
"Fine. Give me what I want and we will leave in peace and stop the storms. I would hate to see New Asgard destroyed, especially because it was prospering so well." Laufey sneered.

"What do you want Laufey?" Jenna stepped forward, she didn't want to be afraid.
"I want the smaller frost giant." He smirked.

As she was processing what he said, Jenna's eyes widened as did Loki's. They looked to each other, both visibly shocked and full of fear realising who they meant.

"Not a chance in hell!" Loki spluttered as Jenna couldn't bring herself to speak.
"And why is that?"
"You are not taking our son!"
"He is a Laufeyson."
"NO, HE IS A LOKISON!" Loki screamed at the top of his voice. He had never been this angry before. He kept analysing Laufey's every move. Suddenly Loki's skin turned blue and his eyes were a blood red.

"JENNA MOVE!" He turned back to look at his wife before her eyes focused on what was flying towards her. She leapt out of the way of a large icicle but she wasn't so lucky as another giant threw another one towards her. It caught her leg, pinning her to the ground. She couldn't touch the ice which is why Loki transformed himself so quickly. Fear spread across Loki's face as he knelt down to help her.

Whilst all this was happening, Valkyrie had returned from space. She was walking up to the house when the snow started to come down heavier than it had been before. Out of the corner of her eye she could see what she thought to be horses but it wasn't until the last second that she realised they were frost giants. She held up her sword and ran towards them, however she underestimated them. The screaming stopped. Valkyrie had been frozen in ice, her sword too held up. It was a heroic end to an extremely heroic soldier.

Wanda and Thor had no idea on anything that was happening outside. All they knew was that they should hide with the twins just incase anything were to harm them. Wanda hid with Dahlia in the walk in wardrobe whilst Thor and Fenrir were in the wine cellar. It was Fenrir the giants wanted but neither of them knew this.

A loud bang echoed through the house, it was the sound of the front door being kicked down by a giant. The same giant that murdered Valkyrie. Wanda had heard the bang and held Dahlia closer, one arm was round her whilst the other was ready to attack if she needed to. Thor held Fenrir closer than he had before, Mjolnir was also on the floor infront of them.

Suddenly ice was thrown at the wine bottles behind them, they were behind the island in the middle but it was still enough to startle Fenrir. He started to cry which caught the giant's attention. Thor stood up and swung Mjolnir at the giant but was pushed back by a cold blast. The giant grabbed Fenrir who started to scream for his mother and father.
Wanda and Dahlia could hear everything, she started to cry but Wanda stroked her hair and reassured her that it was all going to be okay. Dahlia stayed in the wardrobe whilst Wanda ran downstairs to where Thor was, only to see him lying on the floor, nearly in tears.

Loki was hitting at the ice on Jenna's leg, eventually he broke it. They both scrambled to their feet and sped towards the house whilst Laufey stayed put and watched the events unfold with a smug smile on his face.

As they got closer they picked up the pace. Running in snow was hard but Loki and Jenna were determined to keep going, they needed to know that their family was safe also hoping that they reached them before the giants do. However, they were too late. Fenrir's screams pierced the air. Loki's legs went numb as he heard his son call out for him through tears. Jenna however ran as fast as her legs would let her so she could catch up to them.

Jenna was within reach.
"Mama!" Fenrir cried as he saw her, holding his small hand out so she could take him back and into her arms. She was so close yet so far as the bifrost encircled the giants, taking them all to Jotunheim, leaving Jenna stood in the snow feeling defeated and broken. She just stood there in shock at what had happened in front of her. She fell to her knees, clutching her mouth to stop her screams from escaping. As she caught her breath back all she could think of was her little girl.
"Dahlia." She whispered as she leapt up and ran back to the house.

As she got round to the front door her eyes were met with another horror.
"Valkyrie." Jenna whispered as her fingers traced the ice her body was encased in. As she looked into her eyes she saw the fear moments before it happened. Jenna shakily held out her hands, hoping to reverse time and reverse everything that happened to Valkyrie. But she couldn't. Nothing was happening. She couldn't save anyone this time.

She knelt down infront of Valkyrie and bowed her head. Loki had come running over and knelt next to her.
"I'll sort out this mess, you go inside and see everyone else." He placed a kiss to her forehead as he got up and carried Valkyrie away.

Jenna stepped across the fallen door, she noticed the open door to the wine cellar. Running down the stairs she saw Wanda and Thor in each other arms, Thor was crying and Wanda was holding him close. Jenna's boots splashed through the spilt wine as she made her way over to them.
"Dahlia's upstairs in the wardrobe." Wanda whispered to her.

Jenna ran to her daughter. Wiping her tears from her face before she pushed open the door.
"Hey sweetie, mama's here now." She wrapped her arms around her.
"Where's Fenrir gone?" Dahlia asked causing Jenna to gently pull away so she could look down at her, her eyes were sad.
"He has gone to a small realm called Jotunheim, your father and uncle Thor know it well. We will go to get him."
"Will auntie Valkyrie help too?"
"Not this time sweetie. Auntie Valkyrie has gone to heaven."
"Is she with Uncle Pietro and Uncle Vision?"
"Yes darling."

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