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Jenna helped Valkyrie guide the children to the ship for Midgard. Once they were all on board they gathered other Asgardians who hadn't been spotted by Thanos. She desperately wanted Korg and Miek on the ship too, but she couldn't find them anywhere. After she had waved Valkyrie off, she headed back to find everyone else.

Loki met Jenna in the hall that was to the right of where Thanos and the rest of his army was.
"I can't find Thor anywhere." He whispered,
"We'll find him soon, where's Korg and Miek?"
"In there, your seriously not going to do what I think you are, are you?" Loki was stern,
"Of course I am." She smiled at him before crouching down to crawl into the main part of the ship.

They both tip toed through the carnage, trying not to gasp at the fallen Asgardians around them. All the power had gone out, walls had been knocked down. There was dirt and dust flying about everywhere. Jenna grabbed Loki's wrist and pulled him down behind a fallen pillar to hide and protect them both. As they poked their heads over the top to see what was happening, Jenna caught glimpse of Thanos, he was stood over Heimdall. Corvus was also stood beside him. She nudged Loki to look too. Thanos was gripping Heimdall's sword, without any remorse or sorrow, he drove it through his chest. Loki looked away but Jenna just stared in horror at what her father had become. He was a monster.

She could hear noises coming from behind her, so she turned. There was Korg gripping onto Miek, he was quivering in fear.
"Korg." Jenna whispered, he looked up, relived to see that her and Loki were okay, "I'm going to teleport you two and Loki to Earth, you are to go to the avengers compound and tell them that Thanos is coming."
"No love, I'm staying with you." Loki was adamant, he didn't want to leave her side,
"Fine, Korg, do you understand?" Jenna asked. Korg quickly nodded his head. With a flash of blue and a cloud of smoke, he and Miek disappeared.

"Who's there?" Thanos shouted, to which Loki gripped Jenna tighter than before. He leant his forehead against hers, their breathing was now in sync. They had to face Thanos.

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