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Jenna's anger seemed to motivate her. She laid the photo and glass shards on the kitchen counter, summoning her magic she reversed the life of the photo, ultimately fixing the frame and returning it to its rightful place on the windowsill. Next she stood in the centre of the living room, her hands either side of her were green, with a flick of her wrist the entire house was repaired. There were no broken vases or photos in sight, everything was how it should be.

Valkyrie and Korg were still stood outside, they listened to everything happening inside,
"Is she okay, she seems to be a little off recently." Korg stated turning to Valkyrie,
"She's hit the five stages of grief Korg, it's a natural thing to happen after loss. She was so in denial earlier, she thought that Nat and Vision were at the compound waiting for her, not to mention that she thought Loki was back on Asgard."
"But, Asgard has been destroyed."
"We know that, but in her mind, the snap reversed everything, which in reality it didn't. She just hit anger, I dread to think what happens next."
"What's next?"
"Bargaining, then depression, then finally acceptance." Valkyrie nodded to Korg whose expression turned from confusion to sheer worry.

Jenna was pondering her thoughts whilst looking up at the large photo above the fireplace,
"If only I could turn back time, then I could see you all again...wait, I can turn back time!" She launched herself up from the sofa and ran up the stairs, into the room where she held Heimdall and Loki.

She removed the illusion so she could see them both but she tucked Loki away again,
"What more could I lose, ey Heimdall?" She laughed as she looked down at him, he looked so peaceful. She had never done this before, she was slightly shaking but she had to pull herself together if she wanted this to work. Her hands started to shine a beautiful orange, Jenna had never used her soul powers on this scale before, usually she would heal cuts and bruises not bring someone back to life.

She drew the curtains before beginning, the last thing she needed was anyone finding out about this. Her hands trembled over each side of the glass coffin lid before it vanished into thin air. In the thousands of years that she has lived, Jenna had never held so much responsibility on her shoulders, not only was she responsible for the entirety of New Asgard, she was also responsible for reviving Heimdall and Loki, if she was unsuccessful then it would be a burden that would forever haunt her.

Jenna held her hands over Heimdall, taking a deep breath before power fled from her fingers and palms, her eyes were now orange, she was growing weaker by the minute.

Nothing was happening. Nothing at all.

She started to panic, "no no no no, please." She was losing hope. Little did she know, the light from her magic shone through the entire house. Valkyrie was stood outside about to knock on the door until the orange glow distracted her.
"What are you doing Jen?" She whispered to herself full of confusion. Valkyrie got closer to the front door and placed three sharp knocks upon it, waiting for an answer.

Jenna had heard the knocks. Panic flooded through her, she transformed the glass coffin to a wooden one and leant the lid up against it, to make it seem as if she was peering down at Heimdall rather than trying to bring him back to life. Eventually Valkyrie had let herself in, she made her way up the stairs and into the room where Jenna was. Her brows furrowed as she walked through the door and caught sight of Jenna.
"We should bury him, there's a small patch of land just outside of the town, Heimdall deserves a proper send off." Jenna didn't dare turn around to face Valkyrie, she didn't want her to see how drained she was along with the tears that fell.
"Why did you leave it so late?" Valkyrie walked over and wrapped her arm around Jenna's shoulder but she tilted her head away so she couldn't see,
"I wanted to make sure everyone was here."
"Thor isn't."
"He knows, he sends his condolences and sorrow."

Valkyrie didn't say anything as she left the room, all she did was prepare everyone for another funeral.

*Later that day*

It was now almost midnight. The funeral was beautiful and something that Heimdall most definitely deserved. Jenna found it so difficult to sleep, her mind was filled with guilt over her pathetic attempt of reviving Heimdall. Unfortunately there was nothing she could do now, it was inevitable that it was never going to work. She was slowly losing her last glimmer of hope until an idea popped into her mind.

She heaved herself out of bed, her bare feet touching the cold wooden floor making her shiver. Jenna wrapped her blanket around her as she walked downstairs. She lit the candle on the kitchen windowsill and fumbled her way over to the telephone that was on the wall. After five minutes of staring into space, Jenna finally typed a number into the keypad. The phone rung four times until someone answered,
"It's three in the morning what do you want Jen?" A very tired and grumpy Scott complained down the phone,
"I need your help, how quickly can you get to New Asgard?"
"As long as it takes me, I'll leave first thing when I wake up because I'm going back to sleep now."
"Bye Scott, love you."
"Love you too." Scott hung up the phone. Now she knew Scott was on his way, Jenna could relax a little more.


Jenna was awoken by someone at her door, she ran over to the window to see Scott stood outside with a suitcase. Jenna couldn't run quick enough down the stairs to see him stood open armed waiting for her. She jumped into his arms, both of them laughing and crying at the same time.
"I missed you so much." Scott exclaimed,
"I missed you too, how's Cassie?" Jenna smiled,
"Excited to meet her Auntie Jen." Scott's words made Jenna beam with joy, she loved being called Auntie Jen. Morgan started the name but she hadn't seen her, Pepper hadn't been taking any calls at all. Jenna was so excited to meet Cassie though.

She made Scott a cup of coffee as he sat on the sofa and looked up at the photo,
"I love this photo Jen," he called from the sofa,
"It's beautiful." She placed the mug of coffee on the table infront of him,
"So, what's the plan you needed to explain?"
"When the Asgardian ship exploded I had the ability to store bodies, I didn't know I had this at all the knowledge found it's way into, well anyway that doesn't matter. Yesterday, I attempted to bring Heimdall back to life but it didn't work."
"Why can't you try again?"
"Because Valkyrie let herself in and saw him in the coffin, we buried him yesterday. I still have Loki upstairs and I need to pay someone a visit so I can properly understand my power."
"Where are we going?"
"New York."

*New York*

Jenna and Scott had teleported to New York purely because no one wanted to drive. They wandered through the streets until they reach a Sanctum.
"Who exactly are we here to see?"
"Doctor Stephen Strange." Jenna nodded, excited to get some answers.

They pushed the large green doors open and stepped inside. Strange was floating above the stairs,
"Jenna, I thought I would never see you again." Strange called as he flew down the stairs,
"Hello Stephen, I'm sure you remember Scott."
"I do yes, good to see you Mr Lang." They shook hands but Scott stayed silent, he was so mesmerised by the Sanctum.
"May I ask why you're here?" Strange squinted his eyes as he peered at Jenna.

Strange was currently flipping through the collection of darkhold's until he found the right one.
"The soul stone, it's powers and how to use them." He stated as he handed the open book to Jenna,
"In order to revive a soul, one weilding the powers of the soul stone will need to have an object connecting themselves and the passed present, whether this be a photo or object. This will ensure a smooth process." Jenna read as her fingers traced the words on the page, "thanks Strange, this means so much."
"No need to thank me, the darkholds are here for you to read anytime."

Jenna led Scott outside,
"Shall we go home Miss Thanosdottir?" Scott put on a posh accent,
"We shall Mr Lang." Jenna put the same accent on.
And in a flash of blue light they were gone. Back to New Asgard.

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