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*a couple weeks later*
Over the last few weeks, Jenna caught up with lots of people. She was given an updated tour of Asgard by Thor, she had sustained a couple of conversations with Loki, some were telepathical as he too had the ability. Jenna had also had numerous appointments at the dress makers for Thor's coronation.

The coronation, it was today.

Jenna bolted up from her bed, in fear that she had overslept, she was assisting Frigga with the preparation for today, they had continued until the early hours of the morning. It was now 8 am, she was running off of 5 hours of sleep, not ideal as today was a big day for the entirety of Asgard.

Thankfully the weather was nice, but a heaviness loomed in the air.

Jenna sat on her balcony for a good half an hour, it only made her later but she didn't care, waking up to the beauty of Asgard every morning was an honour. No one knows when everything will change, so make the most of the moment. She could see Loki amd Thor in the gardens below her, it looked as if Loki was giving him a brotherly pep talk. Thor was excited about his coronation, it was all he had spoken about in the past few days, but he was also nervous. Taking over from his father as ruler of Asgard was a big responsibility, but Thor can manage it, he is worthy afterall.

Jenna couldn't tell if she was more nervous for the coronation or the walk she was due to have with Loki afterwards, still staring out at the gardens Loki looked up to her. He winked that infamous wink. Jenna returned the favour with a playful glare, "what a mischievous little shit" she muttered under her breath.
I can hear you dear.
Loki, your talking to Thor, no telepathy right now please.
Ugh fine, spoil sport.

The coronation was in an hour, Jenna figured she should get ready now.

She wore a dress fit for Gods. The dress maker apparently spent days on her dress, she was ever so grateful, it was the most amazing dress ever and she was sure it would become sentimental to her. Jenna carefully put her dress on, making sure not to tear any of the decor off. The dress was littered with stars, representing her time in space and the stars were one of Jenna's favourite things. They bought her peace when she needed it, comfort when she had no one else. To others they were floating rocks, but to Jenna, they were much more. The dress was actually the first one Hela gave her, but it got damaged in the thousand years that she owned it, so Frigga took it to the dress maker to fix it. When it was handed back to Jenna she couldn't believe her eyes, she was blown away and burst into tears.

She also wore a very lavish piece of jewellery, it was a bracelet with a chain that connects to five rings and a centrepiece in the middle of her hand. It represented the infinity stones and how they sat in the gauntlet. The dress maker wanted her outfit to be something only Jenna could ever wear.

"Your rings look like one of Father's treasures Jen" Thor boomed with his overly loud voice as he burst into her room,
"Seriously Thor why are you so loud, also your lucky I'm dressed"
"Do you want me to be quieter" Thor now whispered,
"Ahh peace and quiet, a rare occasion with you around"
"Ha ha very funny, Loki wishes he was here when you weren't dressed"
"What, don't shoot the messenger"
"Thor, there wasn't a message anyway, and do you know what"
"What?" Thor sounded so innocent.
"I will shoot the messenger, do you know why...because it sends a message" Jenna declared, with an eyebrow wiggle.

Thor ran towards Jenna to push her backwards onto her bed, but she focused and disappeared, leaving Thor to fall face first onto her bed.
He shouted so loud that she could hear him from all the way down the hall.

Jenna made her way to the grand hall, to meet everyone else there before the big day.

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