Star gazing

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Jenna led Loki down to their garden, she picked a spot on the grass and they sat down, looking up to the sky above them. Loki couldn't stop looking at Jenna, the stars may be beautiful, but she was so much more beautiful to him.
"You remembered." He turned to her, smiling but Jenna just looked at him with a blank face, she had no idea what he meant, "your hair, you cut and dyed it, we had that conversation back on Sakaar." He laughed,
"Oh yeah, well, I'll get to that bit in my story soon." She winked.

"Can you explain everything to me please." Loki asked,
"I shall." Jenna shivered, so Loki conjured up a blanket to wrap around them both.

"What was the last thing you remember before my father, well you..." she struggled to get her words out, not wanting to relieve the moment,
"The last thing? I remember you and Thor clutching onto me, then everything disappeared." They stared into each others eyes for a moment. Jenna didn't know what to say, it felt as if she was talking to a stranger, but she knew it was Loki. All she had to do was get used to him being back.

"Well, our story starts in Wakanda, it's a country in Africa, very wealthy. After me and Thor fled the ship, that was where the main event was. Everyone was at battle, with Thanos. He had five of six infinity stones, the last one was Vision. Wanda had destroyed the stone but Thanos turned back time, bringing Vision back only to kill him again." Jenna started, Loki was already shocked and that wasn't even half the story.

"Once he had all six stones, Thanos proceeded to snap his fingers, causing half of the worlds population to turn to dust. It was labelled...the blip. After the blip, Thor left for here, New Asgard. Bruce moved away and became half Bruce, half Hulk. Tony moved out to a cabin in the woods with Pepper, where they had their daughter, Morgan Stark. It was only me, Nat and Steve in the compound until Scott arrived. After, I dyed and cut my hair, changing my whole style. I wanted to honour you because I never thought I would see you again, yet here we are." Loki had started to tear up, he was so in love with her.

"Then, Scott managed to figure out a way to reverse the blip, we had the ability to go back in time to collect the infinity stones from different years. During our journeys, the soul stone had to be collected. A soul for a soul. Sadly, we lost Nat but she died a hero and will always be remembered for what she sacrificed that day." Jenna started to tear up as well.

"Now onto the final part of our story. The final battle occurred, we fought endlessly. In the end, somebody had to snap to turn Thanos and his army to dust, that person was Tony. He too died a hero and his sacrifice will forever be remembered. After Tony's funeral, Steve had the task of returning the stones back to where we found them. When he came back, he was old and frail, very different to the soldier we all knew. I haven't heard from him at all, so I presume the worst. Then I moved here, became Queen, I'm waiting on Thor's return, he needs to know your back." Her tone brightened at the end however Loki was still speechless.

"Tomorrow we have to make an announcement to the townspeople. They must know their King is back. In the morning, I will give you a house tour along with a village tour." Jenna was so stressed, she had a lot on her mind,
"Love, calm down, your stressing. You haven't hugged me yet, it's honestly offending." Loki placed his hands on her shoulders and laughed. They embraced each other for a solid five minutes until they pulled away and their lips connected for a further couple of minutes.

"I missed you so much." Jenna whispered, her forehead touching his.
"I missed you too."

They had each other back, life could only go up from here.

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