I miss her

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Jenna looked at Thor and Loki beside her. They needed to know, she couldn't keep a secret like this from them forever. She looked to her right at Thor, he was laughing at Clint throw popcorn into the air and catch it in his mouth. Thor then sneezed cause Clint threw a piece at him, it went up his nose. Then to her left at Loki, he was staring back at her, gazing into her eyes, a small smile escaped him.

They were both so happy, she almost didn't want to tell them, incase it ruined them both, but she had to. For the sake of the brothers, and Asgard.

"Thor, Loki." This caught their attention immediately, "there's something you both should know." She held her head down,
"What is it love?" Loki asked, wanting an answer,
"I think it's time to explain who Hela is to you both."

The entire room went silent, hearing her name. Wanda moved next to Nat to be able to her the story better, she wanted to know as much as the brothers did. In all fairness, Jenna and Wanda saw each other as sisters, just as Jenna and Hela once did.

All eyes were on Jenna, as she took a breath, and started her story.

"Hela, Goddess of death, commander of the legions of Asgard, heir to the throne," she paused before continuing,

"Odinsdottir." Gasps were heard all around her, Thor's eyes wide,
"I have a sister?" He asked, both scared and overjoyed,
"Shut up you oaf let her continue!" Loki scowled at his brother.

"She was my first friend, the first person I called family. When I first came to Asgard she helped me settle in, showed me around the village. She became a sister to me. Majority of my dresses were hers. We were mischievous, we stole from the market, picked flowers from the gardens, pissed off Heimdall, rode around Asgard on horses." Jenna felt a lump in her throat, a single tear falling down her face, she knew she was almost at the worst part.

"Then there was a battle. I didn't witness the entirety of it but Hela was involved. Your father used to blame Hela for the casualties in every battle they were both in, so she took her revenge. During her last battle, she turned on Asgard and murdered each member of the Valkyrie, one by one. It was a horrific sight to see. Due to this, Odin banished Hela, I promised I would rescue her, but I haven't done so yet....she's your sister, that's why I had to tell you. Frigga was going to tell you both at some point but we all know how that ended, and there is no way Odin would tell you, unless he was on his deathbed. I miss her, and I would still do anything to get her back."

"What did you do after she was banished Jen?" Steve asked,
"I stayed on Asgard. I remember one day, there were renovators in the palace, they were sprucing up a room for the new baby, which was Thor. The only issue was, they were demolishing her room to do so. I just remember challenging the builders, arguing with Frigga and smashing a couple of vases. The room was Odins orders, he wanted every possible memoir of her gone, that's why I kept all her dresses and the deer skull in our room, that was hers."

The room was silent until Tony yawned, "thanks for the bedtime story, I'm going to head off now, big day tomorrow, the secretary of state is paying us a visit."

What could the Secretary of State possibly want?

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