I'm too stubborn

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Jenna was awoken from her very little sleep by a wide awake Cassie, she had jumped right ontop of her causing her to wake up straight away. The smell of freshly brewed coffee hit her causing her to quickly move from the sofa and over to the kitchen where Scott was. He too clearly didn't seem to get much sleep either.

"Morning Jen." He yawned as he rubbed his eyes,
"Morning Scott, where's Hope?" Jenna asked as she picked up one of the hot mugs,
"There was an issue with Hank, something about a warehouse. I wasn't really listening, she left early anyway, I don't think she will be back for a few days." His tone saddened at the end,
"Hey Cassie, come here quickly." Jenna called out to the adolescent who was playing with her new toys in the living room, she ran as fast as her little legs would carry her into the kitchen where she and Scott were. "How would you like to come and stay in New Asgard for a few days?" Jenna bent down so their faces were level,
"Please, can we daddy?" She turned to Scott with a huge smile on her face,
"Of course we can Peanut, go pack some things." Before she ran off she gripped Jenna round the neck for a big hug, pulling away they both had the biggest smiles but Cassie had already disappeared upstairs.

"Wow, she moves fast." Jenna giggled,
"It's cause she's so excited. What did she con you for at the toy store then?" Scott crossed his arms and leant back on the counter,
"Well she brought this bear and she loves it because apparently it's so ugly." She couldn't stop giggling, she had known Cassie for less than two days and she had already melted her heart.

Cassie had only packed sweets and hair bands so Jenna went to assist her packing. After notifying Hope and loading all three bags into the car, they sped off for New Asgard. This time Jenna was careful with her driving as Cassie was in the car.

As they pulled up to the house Cassie was the first to leap out of the car, she stood in awe at the beautiful house in front of her. Jenna went to put her key in the front door before realising it was already unlocked, she gulped and started to panic. Grabbing her spear from the basket by the staircase she held it up, ready to attack. She tip toed around the base of the house until she heard a noise in the living room, she darted around the corner to see someone sat on her sofa...

"Korg, what are you doing?" She breathed and lowered her weapon,
"Welcome back Jen, my tv broke so I plugged my Xbox into yours, if that's okay, a new season of Fortnite came out and I really wanted to play." He seemed sorry but Jenna was never angry at Korg,
"It's fine Korg, I didn't know who was here that's all."
"My tv is fixed by the way, I just didn't want to leave here until you came back, incase I left the door open."
"Well that's one thing you did do Korg," she chuckled.

After Korg saw himself out, Jenna showed Cassie the room where she would be staying, it was one of the two small ones. She didn't really want her staying in the larger spare room because that's where Loki was being held. She left Cassie upstairs to unpack whilst she and Scott sat on the stools in the kitchen and discussed their plans.

"That's exactly the problem Scott, I'm way too stubborn to just give up. Now that I have that extra information from the dark hold that Strange let me read it should all be a piece of cake." Jenna shrugged her shoulders as she drunk her tea,
"When are you going to try again then?" Scott asked,
"Now." She slammed her mug down and got up from her stool,
"Wait, wait until morning at least, get some rest first." Scott advised,
"Then what about Cassie, she is fast asleep right now, it's not exactly something I want her to watch."
"Fine. Let's do this." Scott grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs.

It was time.

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