I am Jenna

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A/N - the picture is what i would imagine her suit to look like but you can imagine it how you wish.

Jenna stepped out, head high. Losing the power from her hands as she felt that these alien like creatures weren't a threat to her, in fact, she is more of a threat to them. She is the most powerful being in the universe. Her long brunette hair shone against the stars, her piercing blue eyes captivated those who dared to look into them. Her neckline was inhabited by infinity stones, smaller than the originals and less powerful, they were there to show off her abilities.

"I take it you were the oaf who decided it would be an amazing idea to release me from the stones" Jenna looked towards Thanos
"Daughter" he simply replied.
"Oh, so now I'm assuming that you want me to call you Father"
"She has your attitude Master" Ebony sneered
"Yeah, and I will have your head in a minute!" Her eyes diverting towards Ebony.

Jenna walked over to the patch of flowers, Dahlia's to be exact, her fingers waving through them, her nose taking in their scent, it seemed to calm her. "So, the first and probably only time you have possession of all six infinity stones, you make the bold decision to use them to forge me instead of using them to ultimately eliminate half of life as we currently know it...I'm impressed." Her words were blunt but meaningful.

Thanos just stared, speechless, not knowing what to say. He was in awe of what he had created. His only response was, "how are you aware of what the stones can do?"
"Well, you see I always existed, just not in this form, an aspect of me was held in each stone, my soul in the soul stone, my mind in the mind stone and you get the idea. All i needed was someone who was willing to use those stones to actually free me and bring me to life, so for that I thank you and wish you well on your journey."

She started to walk away, it would have been better to leave before they wanted to use her, that's all anyone ever wanted of Jenna but thanks to Thanos being oblivious to the fact that she existed within the stones, it made her wonder, maybe he didn't want to use her, or maybe he did. Jenna has never experienced freedom up until now, it felt odd.
"Where do you think you're going?" A loud deep voice called from behind her.
"That's for me to know amd for you to dot...dot...dot" she turned with a smug smile plastered to her face.
"I created you, now you answer to me"
Oh bloody hell here we go. Jenna thought to herself, unaware that Ebony too could read minds.
"I'll have you know...Th...Theo was it?"
"Thanos" he seemed unimpressed.
"Ah yes, Thanos, I Jenna hold the power of all six infinity stones, i could kill you with the snap of my fingers, oh err and I can't be killed so have fun with that."
"I want you to stay here"
"I want to raise you, and we need your help"
"Wow, the mighty Titan wants my help, thought you were too self centred to let anyone help"
"I will give you the title of Jenna Thanosdottir, you will be feared by the galaxy but it will all be for the greater good"
"Go on...I'm listening."

Thanos smiled. Knowing that he had control, he was about to make her an offer she couldn't refuse, but Ebony panicked. Thanos had just released something powerful, he released her. As fast as his legs would take him he ran towards her and entered her mind, it was blank, so he did what he did best. Illusions. Thus creating ones that gave Jenna a sense of life before her release, memories with Thanos and the others. Flower picking with Proxima. Illusion creation with Ebony. Sparring with Cull. Fights with Corvius. She felt like a Thanosdottir now, even though those memories weren't real, she didn't care, she was part of a dysfunctional family, its more than she ever had.

Jenna's eyes changed, she didn't know whether to be grateful or angry at Ebony so she stayed silent and shot him a small, awkward smile. However Thanos was angered. His offer to Jenna was about to become a lot worse.

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