The twins

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Jenna had a confused expression upon her face, she stayed quiet until a little voice in her ear spoke,
"Ask him then!" It was Steve.

"I'm sorry, did you say twins?"
"Yes Hydra's newest recruits, they volunteered when a shell blew up their housing block, they were orphaned. Hyrda has many recruits around the world. For example, in the US we have the winter soldier, but that's another story for a different day."
Jenna had heard of the winter soldier, well actually, she was eavesdropping on a conversation about him by Steve and Natasha, she only heard parts of it though. Not enough to know who he was. All she knew was that he was a very valued assassin.

Strucker led her to a large room filled with more computers, there were cables all over the floor. Jenna had to be careful otherwise she would trip.
Infront of her was a large cell that was split into two. The front walls were glass, the other three were brick. The cells looked cold and each one only had a small single bed. It looked extremely uncomfortable.

In the left cell was a boy. He was tall and had blonde hair, he kept zooming around the room then backing into a corner, he seemed to be shivering. Every now and again he would look down at his hands and watch them shake. He looked in pain, he certainly wasn't happy at all.

In the right cell was a girl. Presumably his sister, as Strucker mentioned they were twins. She had long brown hair. She was also kneeling down on the stone floor. She was using red magic to lift wooden blocks, then in the blink of an eye, the blocks collided, smashing into each other. She was very similar to Jenna, she actually reminded her a lot of herself.

Jenna felt sick to the stomach. Their powers obviously weren't natural, they were test subjects. Even if they weren't test subjects, no mortal is born with powers like this.

She had to get out of there, before she did something stupid, she could feel her hands heating up already. She held onto the earpiece and pretended to speak to someone,
"Speaking. Dreykov? Wants me there immediately, okay on my way." Strucker looked at her as if she was mad,
"What is it Romanoff?"
"Dreykov. He wants me immediately, apparently it's important."
"I can show you out"
"No need, I know my way, I'll be in touch Strucker." Jenna marched off as quickly as she could.

Walking back through the corridors she went via the meeting room her and Strucker were in. Grabbing the two files off the table and getting the hell out of the base.

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