The Sokovia Accords

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A/N- this is a very long chapter :)

Jenna looked around her, there were dead bodies on the floor. Hogun, Fandral and Volstaag, all dead. Where was Sif? Jenna called her name, but no response. Skurge was stood on the platform in the village, he looked uncomfortable. She couldn't quite make out who was next to him. Jenna turned round, she was now face to face with Heimdall, his eyes were white. She was hyperventilating, unsure of what was going on. She opened her mouth to scream but sat up instead.

The clock said seven am. There was no point in trying to get back to sleep, so Jenna chose the wiser option. A shower.

The room was steamy when she was done. Jenna walked over to the bathroom mirror, wiping her face with the towel. When she looked back up, Hela was staring back at her, through the mirror.

Jenna screamed. Loki ran in to see what was going on.
"She's there" she shakily pointed to the mirror after burying her face in his chest,
"There's nothing there love, look." Loki was right, the mirror now held their reflection, no sign of Hela.

Jenna changed into a yellow dress, the Secretary was sure to be here soon. Tony gave them all strict instructions to be in the meeting room on time, it gives off a better impression.
Now Jenna, Loki, Thor, Tony, Steve, Wanda, Nat and Clint were sat around the table, listening to the Secretary's words.

"The Avengers initiative was a momentous occasion, one that will go down in history and live on forever. We are constantly learning about new enhancements. Miss Maximoff for example, she has been an Avenger for a while now, as have you Miss Thanosdottir. But, where we save civilians, a mess will be made. No matter how many lives you save, one will always be lost."
He pressed a button, the screen came down from the ceiling, footage ready to be played.

"The battle of New York, death and destruction hit us all." Footage of Chitauri played across the screen. People running for their lives. Loki looked down to his lap, ashamed. Jenna gripped his hand and smiled at him for comfort.

"Not to mention Sokovia." Robots flooded the screen this time, building's collapsing. The secretary was sick enough to show Pietro in his final moment. This caused Wanda to gasp and look away,
"Okay, that's enough!" Jenna ordered him to stop, the screen went black. The secretary then pulled out a large file from his bag beneath the desk.

"What's this?" Steve asked, as the file was passed to Wanda first.
"The Sokovia accords. An agreement to which every country in the world signed. The accords are a legislation that require all enhanced individuals in the United States of America to reveal their secret identities and disclose their powers for regulation. Therefore, no more death and destruction." Wanda slid the file to Steve.

"Mr Secretary, some of us can't exactly disclose our powers, we're Gods, and anyway, we aren't animals for you to control."
"Well Miss Thanosdottir can I suggest you three going back to where you came from, you are not of Earth." The Secretary was harsh, but he was right.

Soon after the Secretary had left, Jenna overheard Thor speaking to Steve,
"Me and Loki have decided it's best to head back to Asgard for a bit Rogers,"
"What about Jenna?"
"I believe Loki is consulting with her now."

Jenna found Loki packing some things into a bag,
"A heads up would have been nice before you left"
"I was about to ask if you were coming too" Loki announced,
"I don't want to, not until whatever is going on with me is gone, it's best if I stay here"
"I understand, come back soon though, bring Wanda, I love you." Loki placed a kiss to her forehead before meeting Thor on the grass to call the bifrost,
"Love you more." But Loki was already gone.

Hours had now passed, Wanda had invited Jenna down to help her cook dinner, it was paprikash, one of Wanda's favourites. They could both hear Steve and Tony arguing in the next room,
"What is going on in there Wand?"
"I'm not sure, they have been shouting at each other for ages now. After you left, the secretary called me a weapon of mass destruction."
"Seriously?! Who does he think he is, he only knows what other people say about you, and that's not always true." Wanda was grateful for Jenna's kind words.

"Powerpuff girl! Team Tony or Steve?" Tony entered the kitchen demanding answers,
"Erm, team Thor? Or is that not an option."
"Nope. Are you for the accords or against!" Steve butted in,
"Neither! You people are so petty! I'm going to Asgard, hopefully Thor can knock some sense into the both of you!" Jenna stormed out to the field, calling Heimdall and being taken away by the bifrost.


Thor and Loki were now on Asgard, they regretted leaving Jenna but they both knew she would be here soon enough.
"Heimdall, where is father?" Thor boomed as he swiftly exited the bifrost, followed by Loki,
"Out there" Heimdall pointed out to the hills. The brothers looked at each other, confused, but they didn't question it, Heimdall was never wrong.

The walk to the hills was a long one, both Gods out of breath by the time they got there. Thor was wearing a grey hoodie and some casual trousers whereas Loki was in a full black suit. Very Loki of him.
Out in the distance they could see Odin sat on the bench.
"My sons," he began, "look at you both. I hope you are ready, she is here."
"Who, who is here father?" Thor begged, but Odin kept avoiding the question,
"Frigga would have been proud of you both" this caught Loki's attention, he was the most broken after her death, "I want you to do good by Jenna, she is special to you Loki." Loki didn't even get a chance to speak before Odin stood and made his way to the edge of the hill, where he turned into golden sparkles and flew out to the edge of Asgard. He was gone. The brothers were shocked, but his words couldn't escape them, she is here? Who is here?

Suddenly a black cloud formed behind them both. A clear threat. Thor smashed Mjölnir to the ground, creating flashes of lightning while Loki took away his illusions. Leaving them both in their armour.
A tall figure stepped out of the cloud, she had long black hair. She also seemed to resemble Loki a lot.

"So, he's gone. Took him long enough." She spoke, spotting the brothers she smiled, "kneel."
"I beg your pardon" Loki responded to her demand,
"Kneel...before your Queen!" The brothers looked at her blankly, "I'm Hela, you may have heard of me. And you are?"
"Loki Laufeyson"
"Thor Odinson"
"Yes, you do look like him" she was pointing to Thor,
"Maybe we can come to some sort of an agreement" Loki suggested,
"And you sound like him." She scoffed,
"Look, Hela. We have Jenna, back on Midgard, if she were here then maybe we could figure something out?" Thor tried to reason with her,
"No! We were going to rule the nine realms together, but she betrayed me, for you" she pointed at Loki, "I don't want her pathetic excuse for not rescuing me. I'm Odins first born, therefore, the throne is mine!"

"Brother, are you sure I'm the adopted one?" Loki whispered to Thor, before they vanished into mid air, thanks to Hela.

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