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"Well, look at us now." Jenna said as she walked over to the book that was half open on the cell bed, she read the blurb then put it back down, "do you know what I find so funny Loki?" She slumped herself beside Loki who was sat on the floor at the end of the bed.

"Enlighten me Jen," Loki was glad to finally have a conversation with an actual person rather than the wall for once.
"Well, do you remember when we accidentally got locked in the cabin by the river on the other end of Asgard and because we were so late home we were shouted at by Odin?"
"Well yes I do remember, it was the day before the tragedy of a coronation Thor had"
"And now, we have been shouted at by him again but this time we are locked in a cell together until who knows when." Jenna couldn't control her laughter as she collapsed into a heap on the floor.

She caught Loki looking at her so she pulled a funny face, tilting her head. Loki leant down over her, cupping the sides of her face, and also pulling a silly face. Now they were both in a state on the floor laughing.

Loki sat up and composed himself before asking Jenna a question.
"Jen, you never did tell me why you were thrown in here, care to tell me now?"
"Well, erm, I definitely forgot that visiting you in here was considered treason, so I tried to not get caught but that ultimately failed and now I am in here, with you. Look on the bright side, at least you won't be lonely anymore."
"You've softened my heart Jen, something I thought would never happen,"
"Sorry to ruin the moment but can we sit on the bed, the floor is rather uncomfortable,"
"Yes dear." Loki burst out laughing.

The bed was so much more comfortable than the floor. Loki had created some photo frame illusions that were hung on the wall behind the bed, to make it feel more like home.
"Jen, you also never explained where you went after New York, I had a rough idea but I don't know if my speculations are correct." Jenna sighed, she had to face the fact that she had to tell Loki sooner or later. He kept looking at her with wide eyes, waiting for an answer to bring him solidarity.

"I went to Titan." Jenna was quick to speak.
"You went to see him! I thought you were just angry and went somewhere to let off some steam."
"No Loki. Thanos is my father, I had to face him one way or another,"
"Well what happened, why do you seem in pain?"

She took a deep breath before answering.

"I left New York with hopes of just confronting him, but it was much more than that. My original plan was to insult him then leave but that didn't happen. Well, I confronted and insulted him, but gained a couple of bruises along the way. The one thing I wanted to do, was to do you justice, I did just that. I screamed and shouted then he threw me halfway across the field. As that had weakened me slightly, my powers didn't have as much as an impact as they normally would. Thanos grabbed my wrist and threw me over the mountain. He would have left me there to rot if I didn't escape. Thats why my armour is black, the gold and white would have been to easy to spot. Thanos got away with a couple of scratches, he was lucky that's all I could manage. I could have killed him Loki, I had every single right."
"Then why didn't you kill him?"
"He caught me off guard, that's all." Jenna knew that wasn't the reason, but Loki's face was horrified from her story. He pulled her closer to comfort her. Using his magic to pull a book from the shelf to read.

A norse mythology book.

It took them a couple of hours to finish the book. It killed time, that's all they could do right now.

"So in mythology," Jenna started, "Hela was your daughter, and Fenrir the wolf was your son. Your other children included a massive serpent that lived in the waters under the bridge and an eight legged horse. Well, that's good to know, I will definitely sleep better now that I know that information." She couldn't tell if she was amused or mortified.

"Are you ever going to tell me who Hela is Jen? You seem connected to her in a way, like she was a friend or something."
"According to mythology she is your daughter so we shall leave it at that for now eh Loki." Jenna patted him on the chest and arose from the bed, making her way over to the edge of the cell where she was greeted by a familiar face.

"Jen, Loki, I need your help!"

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