Broken Promise

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Jenna felt relieved that her and Loki had gotten the children to safety before anyone could notice. Little did they know, Ebony had spotted them and was following their every move. He had something up his sleeve, but what was it?

"We're going to close the door now okay, you'll be safe in here. We promise." Jenna and Loki softly smiled at the children, not knowing if they were about to break their promise. As the door closed, she leant back into Loki, slowly slipping into tears. She buried her head into his shoulder and took some deep breaths to compose herself. She slowly lifted her head to look into Loki's eyes.

"Oh Jenna." Her eyes went wide as she gasped at the familiar voice that came from behind her, "you really should stop making promises, you seem to break every one." Ebony smirked at her. Loki was visibly confused at who this was.

"Ebony." Jenna growled, she was scared. She pushed Loki behind her, she was ready to fight, but Ebony was quicker. He raised his hand, sending Loki and Jenna flying back into the wall. This angered Jenna more. She shot a surge at Ebony but he dodged it,
"That was a mistake...sister." He scowled,
"Sister?!" Loki turned to her, confused, he wanted to know more.
"Now isn't the time Loki, I'll explain when we get to Midgard."
"If you get to Midgard." Ebony sneered, smirking at them both. His hand swooshed towards the room in which the children were in.

Flames burst through the closed door.
"NO!" Jenna screamed. Poor innocent screams filled the air. Jenna got up and ran to the door. Ebony laughed and walked away, presumably to find Thanos.
"No no no, please no." She grabbed the door handle, shaking it, trying to force it open. She slammed her hands against the door, "it's okay, it's going to be okay, hang on." She cried through the door, in hopes the children could hear her.

"Jenna it won't work, you can't save them." Loki tried to pry her away from the burning door,
"YES I CAN LOKI!" She raised her voice, having to remorse for him in the moment. Her one priority was the children and their safety. Ebony was right, she can't keep promises.

Jenna focused her mind on the children. She leant her head against the door, it was stone cold. The screaming had stopped, as did the fire. Jenna pulled the door open. The children were all huddled together telling stories to each other to calm them down.
"Is everyone okay in here?" She asked,
"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" One of the children piped up,
"I thought a candle had fallen over and it was on fire." Jenna had to think on the spot,
"No, there was no fire, no candles. We are all fine." Jenna shut the door and turned to Loki who was as confused and concerned as she was.

"None of it was real. Reality manipulation. Ebony created the fire and the screams in my mind. That's why you were so calm, he made sure it didn't affect you. Why did you stand up then?" Jenna turned to Loki,
"Made sure what didn't affect me. Jenna I have been sat at the wall the whole time, I didn't get up." Loki was so muddled.
"Get V, she can get the children to Midgard on the other ship."

Jenna wasn't playing anymore games. She had a job to do.

Protect the ones she loved most.

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