The royals

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Jenna's boots clicked against the golden floor, the room was larger than the fields in Titan. Her eyes danced across the room, from the golden walls to the large golden doors.
She jumped out of her skin when two guards grabbed her arms.

"Excuse me, can you let go of me please?"
"Come with us"
"I wont ask again" her eyes now a blood red, filled with rage.

A cough came from the head of the room. It was obvious that whoever coughed wanted her attention. Upon the golden throne was Odin, also referred to as the All-Father, his snow white beard was accompanied by a red cape with golden armour. Stood to his right was his wife, Frigga, her golden locks ran down to her hips, she was beautiful, clearly the Mother of all people, a peaceful soul. To his left was his daughter, Hela. She looked nothing like the two of them, jet black hair fell from her head, her armour was green and black, it's what drew Jenna to her, her uniqueness. Hela doesn't seem like the type of princess to be bothered by royalty itself, but was eager for the throne. She flashed a smile at Jenna.

The guards abruptly let go of her, she decided to teleport to them, for many reasons. One, she wanted to show off. Two, she could seem like help. And three, so she looked powerful and wasn't locked up in a cell.

"Jenna Thanosdottir of Titan" Odin hissed
"Just Jenna, will be fine Sir" she could see Hela eager to speak.
"Jenna, what are your intentions for Asgard"
"Well sir, I no longer wish to stay with my Father on Titan, I wish for Asgard to be my new home, for now"
"For now?"
"Well, I plan on travelling, head to Midgard maybe, but that won't be for a long time"
Odins brain was like clockwork, trying to come to a final decision.
"Father, I will handle this, to prove that I am worthy for the throne" Hela stated.
"Your already worthy daughter, but if you insist, carry on" Odin sneered.
Hela grabbed Jenna's hand and dragged her out of the Throne room.

"Hela, Goddess of death" she introduced herself,
"Jenna, Goddess of the infinity stones"
"Really, I'm impressed. Sorry for my Father back there, he can be quite harsh sometimes"
"Oh no don't worry, my Father was worse"
"You know of him"
"Everyone does, they fear him, they fear you too"

Jenna's heart hurt at Hela's declaration. She didn't want to be feared, she wasn't scary at all, intimidating maybe, but not scary. Hela dragged her into a room, it was black, with green accents. It was obviously Hela's room.
"Wait here" she demanded, walking through a separate door attached to her room. It was a good five minutes before she reappeared, clutching a rose coloured dress, stars embroidered onto it,
"Wear this, you'll fit in, and anyway it's not my style, Mother had it made for when I became of age for the throne, but she soon realised that the Goddess of death doesn't do light colours"
"Hela it's beautiful, thank you so much"
"Don't thank me, thank my Mother for gifting me such a hideous dress. Change, quickly, I'm going to give you a grand tour."
Jenna ended up wearing the dress, Hela's dress was all black, very vampy, but it suited her.

They ran down corridors and burst through doors, laughing away as they did, gripping each other's hands to keep their balance. Hela lead Jenna to the market, they were like excited puppies, unaware of what to do next. They loved each other's company. Their attention was drawn to the fruit stall at the end of the market. Hela whispered something to Jenna to which she giggled like an amused toddler.

Hela walked up to the stall, eyeing up the array of health on offer. Jenna had managed to turn herself invisible, whilst Hela was talking to the owner of the stall, Jenna ran up behind Hela and grabbed the bowl of apples.
"Theif!" The stall owner screamed,
"Don't worry madam, I will retrieve your apples" Hela announced, hiding her smirk. She ran after an invisible Jenna, who was already at the gates of the castle.

At this point she was visible, after making her way into Hela's chambers, she lay on the bed, trying to catch her breath, the bowl of apples at her side. Hela came in, laughing her head off.
It got later, all the apples were demolished by two hungry maidens.
"That was the most fun I have had in years" Hela confessed
"Really, your a princess Hel, surely you have some fun"
"I don't, Odin uses me as a weapon for battle, with the Goddess of death on his team, he is sure to win." Hela got teared up at her own sob story, "I'm protecting you from that, I don't want my father to use my best friend for battle, you are a human being, not a weapon."
Jenna was speechless, she had never felt loved before, it was clear Hela cared.
"Love you Hel"
"Love you too Jen"
They both smiled their loveable smiles, which only each other got to see.

They spent years making mischief together, the stealing fruit became a monthly tradition, until it became too obvious that Hela wasn't actually retrieving the fruit back. They planted flowers in the new gardens together. They even built a small hut for those to sit in by the lake. They also broke into Odins vault, he wasn't best pleased. Jenna did have her own chambers, but she was mostly with Hela.

One morning, they were just sat in silence, it was treasured silence, until Odin burst through Hela's doors.
"Daughter, we are going into battle, the team of Valkyrie need your help. Jenna, are you willing to help."
"No" Hela answered for her, "I won't let you Father."
Odin was silent as he left the room, clearly feeling defeated by his daughter.

All Jenna could do now was wait for Hela to return and once again complain about the battle.

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