Time of our lives

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Scott coming into Jenna's life that day was a complete miracle. She finally started to get some sleep at night. Her and Scott would also go out on walks, further than the compound gates. In the year that they had so far known each other, they became inseparable. Scott told Jenna about his daughter Cassie, she hadn't yet met her but she was so in love with the little girl already. They both knew that they would always have each other.

*two years later*

It had been three years since the dreadful blip. Scott had been living in the compound with Nat, Jenna and Steve for two years now. The four of them had so much fun together. Tony came back for easter once, but he didn't bring Pepper with him. He bought a rabbit costume that he sported for the whole day. Jenna had also started putting pictures into a scrapbook so she could show Wanda when she was back. She never lost hope, she knew she would see them all again.

It was the 13th of July, also meaning it was the 35th anniversary of the famous Live Aid concert back in 1985. Scott and Jenna were sat on her bed, watching Bohemian Rhapsody on her television. They found the disc in a box of all Wanda's films and music tapes. The outside of some dvd boxes had a post it notes stuck to them, saying 'when Jenna's back'. Wanda had obviously bought some discs then wanted to watch them all when Jenna was back. So to keep Wanda's wish they chose one without a note, it just happened to be the anniversary of Live Aid so they chose that film.

They were just at the part where Queen were about to go on stage when Jenna asked Scott a question.
"Scott, did you remember seeing Live Aid?"
"I was only about four of five when it happened, but I do remember some parts. You've been alive for as long as life has been here, did you ever see it?"
"I was in Asgard at the time so I didn't really know it even existed."

The film was now over, they had to find a box of tissues because they both started crying at the tribute to Freddie Mercury at the end.
"Scott, do you want to see something really amazing?" Jenna turned to him, whilst he was wiping some leftover tears from his eyes.
"Err that's a stupid question, of course I do!" Scott was like a hyper three year old when he was excited. He flicked the red button on the tv to turn it off at sat staring at Jenna, waiting for her to do her thing.

Jenna waved her hands across the room, the walls turning red then fading into a concert. She had transformed the room into the Live Aid concert. A large stage appeared in front of them, it was like they had a front row seat. Scott's eyes were fixed to the stage, eagerly watching to see who would appear.
Suddenly from the left side of the stage, Queen appeared.
"JENNA!" Scott excitedly screamed, giving her the fright of her life. "How did you do that?!" He was like a puppy,
"Magic, Scott, I used my magic." Jenna smiled, happy knowing she brought her best friend so much joy.
"I can do magic!" Scott looked as if he was about to be sick, but instead he pulled some playing cards out of his mouth.
"How did you manage to do that Scott?" Jenna was laughing at his odd trick,
"A magician never tells Jen." He stuck his nose up, trying to not give it away,
"But you can't keep secrets."
"That is very very true." Scott smiled.

They both sat on the bed again, singing and dancing along to the music Jenna's illusion produced.
"WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS MY FRIENDS!" They sung in unison. It was surprising that neither Nat or Steve had come to see why they were making so much noise.

The concert ended and the illusion faded away, now the room was back to normal. Scott only had one thing on his mind. Food.
"What do you want for dinner Jen?" He asked, his stomach rumbling.
"Well, I really fancy a sandwich from that deli in the town but the owner makes the best sandwiches, but he blipped so, do you want cheeseburgers instead?"
"Oh my goodness, I love cheeseburgers!" Scott rushed to find his shoes so they could go and buy what they needed.
"So does Tony, he introduced them to me. I'll make some how he used to."

On their way out of the town, they passed a drugstore that was still open. Jenna walked inside, followed by Scott, she went to the hair aisle. Grabbing a pair of scissors and some hair dye she paid for them at the checkout.

When they got back, Jenna made the best cheeseburgers. Scott also cut her hair short and dye it blonde. Once it was done, Jenna rushed back to her room and into her closet. She picked out a black leather bodysuit that used to be Nats, then one of Loki's old green capes. She found some lace up boots and a black belt.
Jenna looked at herself in the mirror, Scott was behind her,
"It needs something else." Scott stated,
"I know, but I'm not sure..." her eyes caught the gaze of one of Loki's old helmets. She grabbed it and rushed down to Tony's lab finding the laster cutter.
She cut off one horn completely, then shortened the other one but made sure it still kept it's horn shape.

Nat and Steve were sat in the kitchen, reading over some paperwork that needed to be signed. That's when Jenna walked in, sporting her new look. She took the hood off to show off her new hair.
"Before you ask. When we were on Sakaar, me and Loki had a conversation about what we were going to do when we got back to Earth. Unfortunately, only one of us came back. We decided that I would finally do something with my hair and armour as it has been the same for thousands of years. So, here you go." Jenna spun around showing off her new look, earning wow's and even a whistle from Nat. Steve's jaw dropped as he saw her, he held his arms out and was shouting words of encouragement.

A/N- so Jenna has finally changed her look. From now on I will be using pictures of Sylvie in the mood boards, but some of Wanda will still be used but only for Jenna's powers, it will be clear which ones because they won't be red. Also thank you so much for 2k reads, I'm planning on doing 160 chapters for this story, only because that's how many cover the story plan. Thank you! :)

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