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Thor was now living with Jenna and Loki in their home. The villagers were so happy to have him back, he really did light up the town. He guided them through they royal duties and even contributed to ideas to make New Asgard a better place.

Jenna and Thor were sat down in the kitchen whilst Loki prepared some fruit for breakfast. She had her large notepad and pen to write down any brainstorms that came to mind.
"We need to do more things as a community, like start up the market again or a large planting of plants." Jenna sighed as she jotted down ideas,
"How about a ball, we always used to have them back on Asgard. It would make it feel more like home, keeping all the old traditions." Thor pointed at Jenna who immediately wrote down the idea.

Loki turned round from chopping strawberries to suggest something,
"How about we hold one tonight?" He smiled,
"Yes! I shall announce it to the townspeople now." Jenna jumped up, kissing Loki on the cheek as she grabbed her cloak and ran out the door.

As she shut the door Loki knew that this was the perfect time to talk to Thor about something he had been waiting to do for a very very long time.
"Brother, I need to ask you something." Loki sat in Jenna's chair,
"What is it Loki?" Thor shoved a handful of grapes into his mouth.
"I erm, well, you see."
"Loki spit it out."
"I want to propose to Jenna...tonight."

There was an awfully long silence. Loki could see the gears in Thor's brain turning as he made sense of the sentence that was just spoken to him.

"Do it. You both deserve this, besides, you have already gifted her so much, the daggers, your big heart. This will be the cherry on the cake. And anyway, I have waited for this day for years. Let me see the ring." Thor held out his hand.

Loki fumbled around in his pocket, ultimately pulling out a black velvet box, inside was a golden ring with an opal stone that glimmered a different colour depending on how it was facing the light. Thor was absolutely mesmerised causing Loki to produce a smug smile. This was possibly the happiest he had been in ages, his smile was genuine as he waited for Thor's response to the ring.

"It's beautiful brother. Although I'm surprised, Jenna has changed you. You were never really one for sentiment." This caused Loki to roll his eyes and turn back to chopping the fruits. He had put the box away just in time because Jenna burst back through the door.
"The ball is tonight, I hope you both have something to wear!" She pointed at the brothers. Loki knew exactly what he was going to wear as he had planned this day for ages.

All he needed now was for her to say yes.

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