Detective Jenna

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Jenna had missed the library so much. It was definitely a sight to see. A rather large building, every inch of the wall, bar the door of course, was covered head to toe in books. Those from Asgards most treasured authors, dictionary, translation books, the history of Asgard books, fiction, non-fiction. Any book you can name, they have it, apart from Midgardian books of course.

Jenna browsed the shelves for hours. She ran her fingers over the spines of thousands of books, collecting dust as she went, but it was a good dust, to show that the books were old and valued. The dust you would find on an old family heirloom.

Jenna stumbled upon a sorceress book, written by Frigga herself. She grew up around witches, she knew her stuff about magic. She also found a book about the infinity stones. She now had two to read when she got back to her chambers.

Content with her findings Jenna headed for the door. She stopped. Placing her books on the wooden table to her left, legs engraved with every librarian to own the place. A book was calling her attention. It was still on the shelf. It had a black spine, contrasting to the others which were red or white.

Pulling the book out of its place, Jenna kept a straight face, unaware of the contents of the book. And the title.

"Hela Odindottir"
"Asgard's biggest traitor"

On the cover was a stitching of Hela, Jenna by her side. Dark clouds over both of them. Jenna didn't want to open the book, she knew that sooner or later she would have to accept the fact that everyone hates Hela, and that she couldn't always hold out hope of saving her. She had to forgive Odin and move on, she had to.

Jenna sighed placing the book back in its place and walking away. She picked up her books from the table and made a swift exit, back to the palace, back to her room. Back to the comfort of her own bed.

It had now been a couple of hours since the library, Jenna had read the book about the infinity stones, it didn't hold much information, it was very repetitive. She was now halfway through the magic book written by Frigga.
Jenna shut the book and laid back on her bed, in a starfish position.

Jenna actually had a small bookshelf in her room. It was full of spell books, or grimoires as sorcerer's called them. She walked over to it and placed her new books onto it. Jenna had taken all her books from the library, she was surprised the librarian hadn't come after her yet. She had all these books because she wanted to understand herself more, and gain more understanding and control over the power she hadn't tapped into yet, time and soul for example.
The book about chaos magic fell out, Jenna remembered a brief conversation she had with Frigga over it.
"It's only chaos if I can't control it" she laughed to herself, staring down at the book in her hands.

Jenna threw herself back onto her bed. She couldn't stop thinking about what Loki had said to her earlier. His green eyes were fixed in her mind. He looked just like Hela but he was slightly younger than Thor. That means Frigga would have had to have been pregnant when Jenna last saw her. Unless...

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