I promise

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Jenna came to a stop, she was at the head of the bridge, behind Hela. Her heart sunk at the sight. Night had fallen, the dark sky didn't assist the situation at all, it made it worse. More of a battlefield.
She kept walking down the bridge, her eyes met with the entire Valkyrie, laying lifeless on the bridge, it was littered with anger, blood and pain. A cruel ridden Hela stood before them, overlooking her work.

"Hela..." Jenna softly spoke, her voice filled with fear and confusion, her eyes focused on the tall figure infront of her, waiting for their response.
Hela spun around. Their eyes locked with each other. Both of their faces full of fear at what was going to happen next.
"Jen, I, I" Hela sputtered out
"Shhhh, it's okay, it's going to be okay" Jenna comforted her.

At this moment Odin waltzed out of the palace, where had he been this whole time?
"HELA!" he was angry, disappointed, who knows what he was going to do next.
Jenna knew these were her last moments with Hela, she could sense it. Before Odin reached them, she immediately turned to Hela.
"Hela, look at me, listen to me. It's going to be okay. Whatever Odin decides to do, I swear by his beard that I will retrieve you, I promise. Even if it takes me 3000 years to do so, just wait for me. You have my word." Jenna was confident in her promise to Hela. Hela kept quiet and just nodded, awaiting her father's punishment for her.

Odin finally reached them. Frigga stayed in the castle, she figured it would be safer.
"HELA ODINDOTTIR!" Odin screamed at the top of his lungs. "You committed a vile act of treason, not only against the Valkyrie, Me, but also the entirety of Asgard. You should be ashamed of your actions."
Hela didn't dare talk back, as much as she hated her father, she didn't want him dead, not just yet.
"I hereby banish you from Asgard and the nine realms"

Sparks flew around her, she was thrown off the bridge and into a portal that closed as soon as she fell into it. Jenna had no words. Neither did Odin. She could see Frigga from the window, she had tears streaming down her cheeks, she lost her only child, something no mother should ever have to go through.

Jenna stormed back to her own room. She slammed her door and she slid down it. Tears falling down her cheeks uncontrollably. She got up and found the vase Odin gifted her when she first got to Asgard, she grabbed it and threw it with all her might against the wall furthest away from her, it shattered into thousands of pieces. "I HATE YOU" she screamed at the vase, wishing it was Odins head instead. Her hands and eyes were red, she flipped tables, ripped sheets and flung drawers from the units. Her room was now a dump. Thank god the walls were soundproof, she didn't want to be disturbed.

She lay down on the cold wooden floor, surrounded by her mess. She felt sick with how much she had been crying.

No one knew where Hela was, but Jenna was determined to keep her promise to her, her friend, her sister.

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