Billy & Tommy

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Wanda was screaming in pain, pain of childbirth and the pain of not having her husband beside her while she had her baby. She gripped onto Jenna's hand making it feel as if it was about to fall off. After countless minutes of pain the baby was finally born.

"Here's your little boy Wanda." Jenna beamed with delight as she handed her the baby, both of their faces lit up. The front door opened and closed with someone walking inside.
"Darling where are you?" The voice called,
"Vis your back!" Wanda called. Jenna turned round to see him for the first time, she had seen him on the screen but never in person. A wave of grief rushed through her as she remembered everything from the past, seeing Vision again brought her happiness but also pain.

"Vis, come and meet our son." Wanda cooed as she passed the baby to him, as soon as he was in his arms she let out another painful scream, "there's another!" Jenna sat back down on the floor ready to deliver baby number two. Time seemed to pass quicker this time round.
"Here's your second son." Jenna smiled as she passed Wanda the baby, "congratulations, you have had two healthy and beautiful boys." Wanda and Vision were both completely and utterly over the moon, "do you two have any ideas for names?"
"Billy and Tommy." They said in unison as if this moment had all been planned.

Vision had gone back out to work, leaving Jenna and Wanda with the twins. Both boys were laying in their cribs. Wanda desperately wanted them to fall asleep but they were no closer to what she wanted. She started to gently rock the two cribs but the little ones were having none of it.

"Why don't you try singing to them, it may help them sleep." Jenna suggested. Wanda looked over at her and gently nodded before quietly singing in Sokovian. She had such a beautiful voice it almost sent Jenna herself to sleep. As the boys were slowly drifting off Wanda grasped Jenna's hand and pulled her to the kitchen.

"I know." She smiled at Jenna,
"Know what?" Jenna's eyes darted around the room and her face was puzzled,
"It's you Jenna." Tears were starting to form in Wanda's eyes so she grabbed Jenna by the waist and pulled her into a hug, muffling her small sobs. "I didn't know if the hex had messed with your mind or not. When Monica entered she went by the name Geraldine, then she confessed to everything sword was doing to me so I sent her away." Wanda's story made Jenna feel guilty, she watched footage of what they did to Wanda.

They started to tidy the kitchen for a while up until the house felt quieter than usual. The bad kind of quiet. Wanda put down her plate and tea towel to check on Billy and Tommy but they weren't in their cribs.
"Jenna!" Wanda shouted causing Jenna to drop her plate onto the floor. She came running into the living room to see Wanda's hands glowing red and the cribs empty. After seeing Wanda's instinct, Jenna's hands were now purple. Both sisters ready to attack, however a small voice came from the bottom of the stairs.

"Mommy?" One said,
"Auntie?" The other followed.

Wanda and Jenna turned round to see the twins stood at the bottom of the stairs. At that moment Vision had entered the house again,
"Daddy?" They both cooed at the same time. Vision was stunned but he walked over to greet Wanda and the boys. After seeing their family Jenna started to miss her own, even if it was just her and Loki.

Vision was in the kitchen doing some paperwork when Wanda walked in and took a peek at the calendar.
"Gosh, it's halloween tomorrow!" She called,
"Can we go trick or treating?" Billy asked politely but Wanda was unsure,
"When your a bit older sweetie." Wanda smiled not wanting to upset the boys too much. Billy took a glance at Tommy, both of them smirking. Suddenly the twins had grown to about 10 years old. Wanda put her hands on her hips and Vision tilted his head, they were proud that the boys had the ability but at the same time they were disappointed because they wanted to experience their childhood.

Jenna ventured to the kitchen to wash her mug but ended up dropping and smashing it when she walked through the doorway, she stood there stunned, staring at the boys she asked,
"Are these my two nephews all grown up, last time I checked you two were roughly four." She pointed a finger before bending down and tickling both of them.
"We can go trick or treating now!" They screamed, running around out of pure joy, all three adults laughing at them.

A simple knock at the door silenced everyone in the house. Wanda put down the papers she was reading and went to open it, Jenna following close behind.
She pulled the door open but stayed silent.

"Long lost bro doesn't get to give his little sister a hug?!" A loud voice spoke.


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