One year later

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The sun blinded Jenna through the curtains. She was already awake, actually, she didn't sleep, she hasn't slept for the past year or so. The guilt really got to her sometimes. She stretched her arms before kicking the black silk sheets off her. Before she got imto bed she would spray them with the aftershave Loki used to use, sometimes it helped her sleep, but most of the time it forced her to cry herself to sleep.

After digging around on the floor for the snake slippers, she shoved them on her feet and threw on an old black hoodie along with some grey joggers. Then she fumbled around in her jewellery box for a red necklace that used to be Wanda's. She also always kept Loki's dagger on her so she could always carry both of them with her.
She trudged down the numerous flights of stairs before reaching the kitchen. Having a room on the top floor of the compound had its perks but in reality, the stairs were a pain.

Natasha was already in the kitchen, she had already made the coffee. They could see Steve out on his morning run, how he does it they will never know. Her hair was let down, the bottom part was blonde but the rest was red where her natural hair had grown back and she hadn't been bothered to dye it blonde again.
"Morning Nat." Jenna yawned as she slumped down on the comfy sofa at the table,
"Morning Jen, how did you sleep?" She asked,
"The same as I have done for the past year, I haven't. What about you?"
"Pretty good last night, the best sleep I have had for about a year too. I just can't stop thinking about it all."

Jenna peered over to the seat beside Nat,
"Ballet shoes?"
"Yeah, I have nothing else to do, so I started dancing again, want me to teach you?"
"Ooo yes please Nat, it gives us something to do." The girls chuckled before watching a very sweaty Steve walk in.
"Has anyone spoken to Thor recently, I can't reach him." He asked,
"I left messages for him and Valkyrie but neither have replied, I'm not sure if she was blipped or not. I'm going to New Asgard soon to visit, both of you are more than welcome to tag along if you wish." Jenna smiled, leaving the compound would be good for all of them.
"It's okay Jen, you guys are family, we won't be a burden." Steve said as he downed a cup of coffee,
"No no, you two are family too. Anyway, Steve, you need to shower. Go!" Jenna threw the pillow that was beside her at him, then he threw it back.
"Err Steve, watch the coffee!" Nat shouted.

Just as Steve was about to leave the room, the security camera buzzed with a new arrival at the front gates.
"Who's that at the gate Steve?" Jenna asked, curious as to who was calling so early,
"Cap? Steve?" The voice spoke through the camera.
"Let him in then Steve." Nat demanded.

The brown van was driven through the gates. The three of them met the visitor out the front. The van was old and slowly breaking down. The very happy man jumped out and shook Steve's hand very quickly.
"Scott?" Steve was surprised to see an old friend.
"Hey, how have you been?" He asked, then he turned to Jenna, "I know you, you have all those magical wiggly woo powers, you're cool!" He was so enthusiastic, Jenna loved him already.
"Thanks, and you are?"
"Scott Lang. Or Ant Man, whichever you prefer."
"Hello Scott, I'm Jenna."
"I have a very big favour, can I stay here for a while, my entire family was dusted and I have no where else to go?" Scott asked.

Steve looked at Jenna who looked at Nat.
"I don't see why not, it will be nice to see another face around here." Nat explained earning a huge hug from Scott who was over the moon to have finally found a home.

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