I need that!

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Jenna scurried after Thor, gripping who still had a very firm grip of Loki's collar. They were soon gathered with the remainder of the Avengers, Bruce still in his Hulk form.

Natasha had managed to close the portal, stopping any more Chitauri from entering the atmosphere.

"Thor, let him go, he means somewhat well now." As he always listened to Jenna, Thor let go of Loki who grunted than ran to the small set of steps and stood on the highest one.
"Enough! You are all beneath me!" He started to shout, Jenna and Thor rolling their eyes. She turned to her left and got Hulk's attention, she tilted her head towards Loki to which big green smirked, knowing what he was going to do. "I am a God you dull creatures, and I will not be bullied by AH!" Hulk had grabbed Loki's leg and thrown him around like a rag doll, leaving him laying in the floor. Quite literally IN the floor.

Jenna walked over to him, pulling him up then handcuffing him,
"Hello dear" he snarled,
"Don't Loki! Just keep quiet" she hissed back.

"Oops I almost forgot, Steve pulled the Tesseract from behind him where his hands were, "I believe this belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D now." He handed the cube to Rumlow. The space stone from the sceptre was connected back to the Tesseract which was now locked in a silver case. Jenna didn't dare take her eyes off the case.
"May I ask where that case is going?" She was eager to know,
"To a specially operated Shield base." A man with an eyepatch spoke.
"I can take it if you wish, it save you all the journey" Jenna tried to sound convincing as she looked at the several armed agents surrounding the case,
"No need Miss" Fury continued,
"Miss Jenna, my agents can handle it, but thanks for the offer."

Damn. Why do Midgardians always think they know best?
Well that's a shame love.
Shut it Loki!

Jenna felt her eyes fill with tears and a lump form in her throat. Her and Loki made eye contact, he seemed to know something she didn't.

"I NEED THAT STONE!" She found herself shouting. Everyone in the room turned to stare at her, their faces horrified at her outburst of rage. "Please" which was in a much calmer tone.

Jenna was so close yet so far.

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