Something is brewing

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The past few months had been sleepless for Loki and Jenna. The twins were constantly crying as normal babies did but because there were two of them it meant that both parents had to get up in the night. Jenna had just returned from settling the twins off to sleep, she wrapped her fluffy blanket round the jumper she was already wearing, it was Loki's blue turtleneck, and headed over to the sofa next to Loki who was flicking through pages of a book.

"The twins are asleep. Dahlia took forever to settle, she wouldn't let go of me." Jenna sighed as she rested her head on Loki's shoulder.
"Ahh peace at last, what shall we do now love?" He looked over at her, a mischievous grin on his face.
"Treasure the silence." Jenna placed a kiss to Loki's lips, he kissed back until a cry could be heard from upstairs. They both sighed.
"You can go this time." She patted his chest and winked as he put down his book and headed upstairs,
"Shhh daddy's on his way." He called causing Jenna to giggle. She leant over to see what book he was reading but all he was doing was flicking through the photo album. Wedding photos were now stuck in along with a few family ones.

What happened next definitely confused everyone. The next morning, dark clouds were gathered all across the sky. There was no blue in sight.
"Is it always this cloudy?" Wanda asked as she stood in the garden and looked up to the sky,
"It isn't, Valkyrie said that over the five years of the blip that there was never a cloud in the sky, there hasn't been any clouds until now. Especially not dark rain clouds." Jenna stated.

Suddenly, thunder started to rumble and lightning slashed across the sky.
"Thor sort the weather out the twins are asleep!" Jenna shouted,
"Love, Thor is asleep too. He has taken advantage of the spare room." Loki shut the back door as he walked over to Jenna and Wanda.
"But the spare bed is my bed until my house search is done, which will hopefully be very soon." Wanda crossed her arms, giggling to herself at Thor's use of her room.
"The things I would do to have some sleep." Jenna muttered.


"Love, did you hear that?" Loki seemed alarmed, turning his head in every direction possible.
"Hear what?" Jenna was utterly confused,
"I heard someone say son."
"It was probably someone in the village shouting, Loki come inside with us where it's warmer." Jenna signalled for him to follow them.
"No no it was in my head." He tapped the side of his head, "please come look."

Jenna walked over and placed her hands over his temples. She gazed into his mind, digging deeper with every second. Hundreds and thousands of visions kept flying past her but there was nothing that could have answered his question.
"There's nothing dear, sleep on it, your probably just tired." As they all headed inside the wind started to pick up more causing the trees to violently sway.

The storms became more frequent. Once a month became once a week. They tend to bring ice and snow in the middle of summer. The only issue was that...

No one knew what was causing them.

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