Necromantic regrets

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Scott watched from afar as the two 'sisters' embraced each other, their last parting being nothing short of heartbreaking. They wanted to make sure that they never let go.

Wanda's mind was full of questions that she wanted to ask Jenna. Full of answers she needed to know. All she had to do was find the right moment to break her silence.

Jenna brought Wanda over to the sofa where Scott was. They shared a brief introduction, there was already an enormous amount of respect between them as they were both Jenna's closest companions.

Many conversations were endured whilst Jo searched for the perfect dress for Jenna. That was until she emerged once again, this time she was holding a dress that was encased in the white covering. Jenna was so excited, she knew that this would be her dress because Jo was so exact with her pickings, no one ever wanted to see a second dress.

The clink of the hanger on the hook was the only sound that filled the room. It echoed.

Jo nodded towards the dress as a signal for Jenna to open it. Her hands delicately swept over the zip, Wanda and Scott were on the edge of the sofa patiently waiting for Jenna to unveil the beauty of the Laufeyson wedding.

Jenna slowly unzipped the cover. She closed her eyes before the dress became visible. When it was fully unzipped she stepped back, the only thing she had to go off was Wanda and Scott's gasp of amazement. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled bright when her eyes made contact with the dress.

It was a beautiful dark green littered with darker leaves and discreet flower designs. There was a leg slit underneath a layer of lace. It was sleeveless but that didn't change how mesmerising it was.

"Wow." Was all she could bring herself to say, she was honestly speechless. Jenna kept running her hands over the material. Jo unhooked it from the covering and hung it in the changing room.

Jenna stepped inside whilst everyone else waited full of anticipation. Jo popped round the curtain to help Jenna zip up the dress, she was careful to not pull back too much of the curtain so Wanda and Scott couldn't get a sneek peek.

Without warning Jenna ripped back the curtain, the dress suited her perfectly. The train on the dress was the perfect length. The colour complemented her skin tone perfectly, not to mention how well her horns matched the specific shade.

Jenna picked out a bridesmaid dress for Wanda and a suit for Scott. Both of which matched her shade of green. Scott's suit also sported a black tie and a black handkerchief.

"No, I don't want a suit I want a dress like Wanda!" Scott complained with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
"Scott you can't have a dress."
"Yes I can it's 2024 Jen keep up."
"I'm not against it but Jo has made this lovely suit for you."
"Fine I'll take the suit." Scott gave in,
"Overgrown toddler." Jenna muttered making Wanda laugh.

Loki was out in the garden watering the plants whilst Jenna and Wanda had a catch up inside. Wanda had instantly fallen in love with their home, she especially loved the photo above the fireplace.

"How did you know where to find me?" Jenna asked Wanda, she was curious as the last time they had seen each other was so long ago and they hadn't said a word.
"Well, I heard you were getting married, I couldn't miss my sisters wedding could I?" She smiled, "I miss the days when life was simple and we only had to fight Hydra." Wanda sighed, gazing at the movie night photo. A tear rolled down her cheek as she moved closer and stroked Vision's face.
"I miss him so much." Wanda cried into Jenna's arms.
"I know you do darling."

"I lost my parents when I was ten. Pietro not too long ago. And now I've lost Vision for good."
"You don't know that Wanda."
"But I do. I feel so alone. There's just this endless nothingness."
"If I had just waited and confided in you then he would still be here. If I was as strong as you he would still be here, you have thousands of years experience and I'm just Hydra's little test rabbit that shoots wiggly woo's from her hands."
"Wanda your the scarlet witch. Your so much more powerful than you think." She turned to glance at Jenna.

"I know how you feel Wanda. I've been through this procedure many times too. Denial, anger, depression, bargaining, acceptance." Jenna slowly took her hand in hers, looking at Wanda with sadness in her face.

"You may feel alone but me and Loki are right here. You have a home here if you choose to take it."
"Thank you Jenna." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Wanda had found her new home. New Asgard.

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