Stark's party

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Jenna finally decided upon a short blue dress with long blue sleeves. This was the first time she had worn a short dress, usually long dresses where her type but this is a Midgardian party, not an Asgardian one.

Loki had some input on her dress choice but he was more interested in his book.

"Loki, are you coming downstairs, the party is in full swing!"
"I'm not sure, I might stay up here, I haven't really spoken to anyone since New York."
"Loki they understand the circumstances you were forced into. It's okay."

He held out his hand for her to take, but his other held tightly onto his book. The room was full of people, they were all just random people Tony had invited, but does that surprise you?

Loki took a seat next to Thor who was also with Tony, Clint and Rhodey. Jenna perched herself on a stool at the bar where Steve was already sat. In the two minutes she had been sat with him, they had already done twenty shots between them.
"This Midgardian stuff does nothing. I feel nothing at all, what about you Steve?"
"The serum took away my ability to get drunk, but now I can drink whiskey like its apple juice!" The two friends laughed together like old times.

"I see you finally brought Loki down, how is he doing Jen?" Steve asked,
"He's doing okay, still a bit worried that everyone hates him, he will come around eventually, he's been through a lot this past year, give him time." Jenna informed Steve.
"Thor mentioned his mother's death, how are you all doing?"
"I'm doing okay, I've accepted that she is gone. Thor has snapped back to normality which I find odd but he refuses to speak about it. Loki hides everything, it takes a lot for him to talk, but he has been okay for the last few days, I think he has accepted it too." Jenna looked down to the floor as she finished talking, when she looked up, Steve's hand was held out infront of her.

Jenna and Steve took to the dancefloor, he taught her some famous Midgardian dance moves such as the robot and the mexican wave.
Their dancing came to a stop when Thor gestured for them both to join the others on the couches.

In the time they were all sat there, the guests had all left. Now only Jenna, Loki, Thor, Tony, Steve, Clint and Rhodey were left. Bruce hadn't joined the party as he wasn't the biggest fan of loud noises, and Natasha had left early because she wanted some popcorn from the store down the road.

"Brother, Jen, I want to introduce you both to a Midgardian game called truth or dare" Thor greeted them as Jenna sat down,
"I'll go first as it is, my party" Tony started, "Reindeer games, truth or dare?"
Loki looked up, surprised that someone other than Thor or Jenna was speaking to him,
"Erm...truth" he nodded, not sure of whatbhe had gotten himself into,
"You and Jenna seem pretty loved up, what is your definition of love?" Tony asked,

Loki was hesitant to speak, he was clearly thinking, until,
"Love is a dagger, it is a weapon to be weilded far away or up close, you can see yourself in it, it's beautiful, until it makes you bleed. But ultimately when you reach for it, it isn't real." Loki sat back into the sofa, proud of himself, he had clearly confused some of the team.
"So, love is an imaginary dagger? Thats a terrible metaphor." Jenna spoke, her expression blank, trying to understand what Loki meant.
"Yes, but it is only ever real once, never twice" he continued,
"Sorry to burst your bubble but that was a pretty bad comparison Brother" Thor laughed, to which Jenna shot a glare at him.

Jenna got up to help Tony carry beers back to the group but when she got back Loki had disappeared. She wanted to dance with him so she thought like Loki. Where would he be?
Her thought process was interrupted by Thor who handed her a glass of Asgardian wine he had brought with him. Jenna took the glass and did the whole thing in one go, much to the surprise of Thor who stood there, mouth agape.

She stumbled through the door to her and Loki's room, slightly tipsy from the wine she just downed. Jenna clearly thought like Loki because there he was, sat on the bed, happy as larry, reading his book, again.
Jenna laid down next to him and cuddled close.
"Yes dear"
"Can you please put the book down for two minutes"
"I have a better idea"

Suddenly Jenna's music player started to play the one song that was stored on it. She kept it on her bedside. Loki rolled out of the bed and round to where Jenna was laid. He held out his hand, gesturing her to get up.

They swayed to the music, reminiscing old times. They loved each other's company, it gave them the most comfort,
"I can't imagine life without you Loki."
Loki placed a kiss to her lips. Their moment was interrupted.

By the sound of screams and crashes from downstairs. Loki and Jenna sprinted down the stairs to assess the commotion.

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