He's coming home!

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Jenna and Dahlia had managed to coax Loki out of bed and downstairs to see Wanda and Thor. He obviously made himself look more presentable first with a flash of green which made Dahlia go crazy and giggle. Loki was the first to run down the stairs, he grabbed Dahlia from Jenna's arms and practically threw her at Thor.

"We're going to Jotunheim!" He announced,
"Not without me your not!" Wanda argued as she became 'the scarlet witch' again.
"And me!" Dahlia chimed in, trying to scramble out of Thor's grip.
"No no sweetie, you stay here, it's very dangerous." Jenna stroked her daughter's cheeks.
"No! I want to save Fenrir!" She demanded.
"Well, she's definitely your daughter Jen...stubborn."
"Thanks for the obvious input Thor." Loki smirked.

The family came up with a plan. They were all to venture to Jotunheim, even Dahlia but if it got too much for her then Thor was to bring her home. Loki decided that he was going to distract Laufey while Jenna rescued Fenrir. The plan was foolproof, all they needed now was for everything to go smoothly.

Loki was stood in his armour along with Thor. Jenna was in her classic horns and cape whilst Wanda was sporting her new headpiece and attire. Loki had made Dahlia some armour that was a smaller version of Jenna's, she truly did look adorable but also ready for battle.

Darling, I still don't think bringing Dahlia along is the best idea.
Love, Thor and I were pushed into battle training when we were younger. I don't like her being here much either but maybe it's the right decision.
I agree, Billy and Tommy were only young too but they were just as brave as me and Vis, they put up a strong fight.

The three sorcerers looked between each other before everyone linked hands. Jenna was to teleport them all to Jotunheim where they would finally meet their fate.

The icy wind blew right through them as they all stood at the foot of Jotunheim. It was far smaller than Asgard, it was no wonder why they wanted a war. Loki looked around, neither him or Thor had been here for years and they most definitely didn't want to come here again.

Loki led the way. They passed large ice mounds and heaps of snow. It was a while before they reached where Fenrir would possibly be. In front of them was a throne made entirely out of ice, upon it was Laufey himself. Just below where Laufey was, a small cage made out of ice stood, encasing Fenrir in his Jotun form.

"Laufey!" Loki screamed as he approached him,
"Back so soon? You're all really eager to see me aren't you." He slyly grinned,
"I want my son back."
"Well your not having my grandson, he is a Jotun, he belongs here."

Loki poured his heart and soul into his words. Meanwhile, Thor had snuck round the back of the throne to take out the giants that guarded Fenrir. He had also managed to sneak down to where Fenrir was and release him.
"Thank you uncle Thor!" He tightly hugged Thor as the two made a run for it.

"Stop them!" Laufey had spotted Thor running of and stood from his throne,
"No!" Loki screamed and sent blasts towards Laufey.

Dahlia had come running up beside Loki, to his shock, he tried to cover her and scoop her up in his arms but she wasn't having any of it. Pulling herself from her father's hold she stood infront of him, staring up at the giant before her.
"I hate you! You hurt my brother!" She shouted as loud as her lungs would let her.
"DAHLIA!" Jenna could hear her shouting and ran in her direction, Wanda following closely behind. Jenna's heart was racing, her mind coming up with scenarios that would happen if she didn't reach her little girl.

As Jenna reached them she looked down to Dahlia, but her eyes were green instead of the gorgeous blue they usually were. Suddenly Dahlia sent lightning bolts and little green sparks towards Laufey, her effort was small but it still severely hurt him. They all watched on in awe. Immensely proud of what she had achieved.

Loki had picked up Dahlia and was now running with her to the edge of Jotunheim where they were all to meet when they had finished what the giants started.

Once everyone was safely out the way, Wanda and Jenna linked hands and nodded to each other. Both coldly staring at the giants they let out an ear piercing scream that even Loki could hear from many miles away. They both fell to their knees as they did so. Wanda giving an outburst of red energy whilst Jenna's was purple. They looked to each other knowing that their job was done, getting up and walking away from their battlefield hand in hand.

As they arrived back on New Asgard the twins were already drifting off to sleep. But as typical as any child is, they were wide awake the moment they were tucked into their beds.
"Tell us a story." Fenrir whined as everyone else came in to join them. Wanda and Jenna were sat at the end of Fenrir's bed whilst Loki and Thor were sat at the end of Dahlia's. Loki wanted to tell the story this time.

"Well, a long time ago, a lost princess met an outcasted prince. They slowly fell in love but the prince wanted more. He tried to attack earth but he failed resulting in his capture. The princess knew she loved the prince and couldn't give up on him that easily so she went back to earth to pay his brother a visit. During her visit she found herself fighting a few battles of her own, eventually she met someone who was a lot more similar to her than she realised. The two formed a sisterly bond that is still strong to this day. However, the princess had to leave her sister for a bit to rescue the prince and his brother."
"How long was she gone for papa?" Dahlia asked,
"A very long time. Unfortunately, a very evil man had come along and hurt the prince."
"How bad was he hurt?" Fenrir took in a sharp breath,
"Very badly. He went to heaven. The princess was heartbroken so she decided to return to earth hoping to see her sister but just as she returned, her sister was disappearing." Loki continued. Everyone's face was changing as they realised who the story was about. "But the princess then met someone who became her best friend, together they found a way to bring her sister and a lot of other people back. The only person they couldn't bring back was her prince so the princess took matters into her own hands, she was so powerful that she brought him back from heaven. Soon after they got married and lived the life they always dreamed of...the end." Loki quickly signed off the story as he realised the twins, and Thor, were asleep.

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