The Avengers

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The bifrost took Jenna and Thor to a large field just outside of New York. She hadn't seen the hustle and bustle of the city since the 40's. Jenna stood in the field, looking up at the skyscraper not too far away, Thor was already halfway across the field.
"Jen! Follow me" Thor ordered.

Running to catch up with Thor, something caught her eye. Over to her left was a small bench, very worn. Jenna made her way over to it, Thor also stopping and following her to see what she was doing. She sat down on the creaky bench, her fingers traced over the plaque that was in the centre of the frame.

'In memory of'
   'From Steve Rogers'

"I miss Steve" Jenna declared,
"Who was Steve."
"Steve Rogers. He was a friend I had when i first visited Midgard. He joined the war, and that was the last I ever saw of him." A tear slipped her eyes as she read over the plaque once more, "but we have no time to waste, Earth's mightiest heroes need us Thor!" Jenna chuckled and pulled Thor up.

Thor and Jenna now stood outside Stark tower. He just looked up and smiled.
"So...this is it, the Avengers? Have you brought me to see a building or people Blondie?"
They both walked through the doors and up to the front desk.
"Names?" The lady at the desk asked,
"Thor Odinson and Jenna Thanosdottir. We are here to see Stark." Thor let her know,
"I shall let him know you are here, go on up."

Thor beckoned Jenna over to the elevator, she was too busy staring out the windows. The doors went 'ping' and they both stepped in. Thor pressed a button.
"Thor, where does this take us?"
"Floor 56 Jen."

Thor waltzed out of the elevator, Jenna following very closely behind.
"My friends!" Thor boomed, the group of five all turned to welcome him back. They were all gathered around a table, one of them in particular seemed very familiar, his face lit up when they both walked into the room but Jenna couldn't tell where he was from.

Thor practically fell down onto a chair. Jenna sat next to him, opposite her was,
"Natasha Romanoff" she held out her hand for Jenna to shake, "that's Clint Barton" she pointed to a man over on the other side of the room on the phone. He waved at Jenna, she too waved back. Natasha was wearing a red top with a black leather jacket and black jeans, a gun was strapped to her leg using a clip. Clint was in a black zip up.

"I'm Dr Banner, but you can call me Bruce" he seemed sweet in his purple shirt and brown blazer.
"Hi Bruce" Jenna softly smiled, which made him blush.

"Tony. Tony Stark" he was holding a packet of blueberries, offering one to Jenna. He was also wearing an Black Sabbath band top.
"Thanks. I'm guessing Howard was your father"
"You knew him?"

Next on the list of introductions was Steve. Jenna didn't know this was her Steve from the 40's but Steve definitely knew it was his Jenna.
"Hi Jen" Steve walked over, sporting a chequered shirt and brown trousers, very old fashioned compared to what the others were wearing.
"Erm hi" she shook his hand, "do I know you, you seem to know me?"
"I should really properly introduce myself to an old friend" Jenna still hadn't caught on to what he was implying, "I'm Steve Rogers"
"Yup, that me"
"Oh Steve!" She ran to him and hugged him tightly, "I thought you were dead, no offence but shouldn't you be dead?"
"Well I took a serum, now I look like this and I was frozen in ice for 70 years. Why aren't you dead, after all this time I thought you were."
"That explains the bench we used to sit on"
"Wait, you've seen the bench"
"Like 10 minutes ago yes. It was lovely, thank you but I can assure you I am very much alive. Anyway, where's Bucky." Jenna asked. Steve opened his mouth but didn't have time to answer because he was interrupted by Stark.

"If I can just pause your mother's meeting real quick. We have to suit up. New York is under attack!"

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