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Hela's words hurt. So Jenna wanted to make sure that by the end of all this, Hela hurt more.

"I didn't abandon you Hela! I was trying to get to you without Odin finding out. If he found out then I would have been banished too!" Valkyrie, Thor and Heimdall stayed close behind Jenna as she got closer to Hela.
"Well then either way you would have seen me, but wait, you didn't want to leave your precious Loki. He became your priority, what you don't realise is, he will continue to age then he will be ripped away from you in a couple thousand years and you will stay the same! You will literally stay the same for eternity Jenna! Just give up, you will lose everything!"

Thor had gripped Jenna's wrist to stop her from moving,
"Jen whatever you are thinking, it's a bad idea."  His face was stern, but Jenna took no notice.
"No it isn't, she is outnumbered anyway. Once Loki has done what he needs to do we can go, while we wait we have to stall her."  Jenna turned to Thor, he trusted her, then he let her go.

"HELA!" Jenna shot a blast at her, "we could have ruled together if you were just patient, yes I made the mistake of not getting to you sooner but just accept that I tried please." Jenna pleaded, none of her words were true, but she needed Hela's full attention.

"No Jenna, because you can't accept that you will lose. YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING!" Hela was angrier now, it was working. Jenna took a deep breath, her next words were true.
"No. You were my everything Hela, your leaving made me hate Asgard. Instead of being miserable for eternity I moved on, something you obviously can't seem to do."
"You were my everything too." Hela's voice softened. It shocked everyone. Jenna started to cry.
"Please don't try to make me feel bad Hel,"
"Jen, I could talk about every time that I had thought you showed up, but you never did."

They were both now in tears. Jenna took one last breath then stepped back, taking one last look at Hela.
"Have Asgard, it's yours." Jenna winked, confusing Hela.
"Whatever game your playing it won't work, you can't defeat me!"
"I know, but he can" Jenna pointed to the palace.

Suddenly Surtur burst through the palace, setting everything on fire. Loki running ahead of him, visibly scared for his life.
"No!" Hela gasped as she caught sight of the flames. Valkyrie kicked her to the floor. Thor shot lightning at where she was knelt on the bridge, sending her into the water below.

The four of them rushed to the ship Korg had gathered the Asgardians on. The last thing Jenna saw was Hela being crushed by flames, she had to turn away, she couldn't watch.
The ship flew up, escaping the crumbling of the rainbow bridge.
Now they were in space. Overlooking Asgard. The glow of the flames, lightning up everyone's faces.

"When shall we return brother?" Loki asked,
"I'm not sure" Thor answered,
"You are technically King of Asgard now Thor, embrace it." Valkyrie nodded to him.

"If the foundations are still strong, we can rebuild Asgard, it will be a prosperous realm for generations to come." Korg explained optimistically. Everyone hummed, agreeing with Korg, now positively thinking of the future. As he finished, Asgard exploded. "Well erm, where to?"

Everyone aboard the ship gasped, their home was now pieces of rock floating in space. Tears were heard around.
"What have we done?" Thor gasped, feeling as though he had betrayed everyone on the ship,
"You saved us, from extinction." Heimdall turned to him.

"Asgard isn't a place. It's a people." Heimdall announced, reassuring everyone it was going to be okay.

Was it?

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