Cassie Lang

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Scott and Jenna stayed in conversation for roughly an hour, they were also eagerly waiting the arrival of Cassie and Hope who were due back from grocery shopping any minute now.
Jenna moved over to the kitchen to place the empty mugs in the sink, as she did her eyes caught the view out of the window. In the distance was the Golden Gate bridge, it was truly mesmerising. As she turned away from the window, a peculiar noise came from outside. It was a very comical car horn. She turned back round to look at who had arrived. Scott's brown van had just pulled into the drive next to her car, which was one of Tony's sports cars that was assigned to her in his will.

"They're back!" Scott leapt up from the sofa to wait at the front door which flung open and in ran a little girl,
"Daddy!" She screamed,
"Peanut!" Scott screamed back as he picked her up and spun her around in his arms. Hope was also stood at the front door, sne was holding two brown bags full of food, as she put the bags down she noticed Jenna in the kitchen so she waved to her.
"Peanut, look who's in the kitchen." Scott whispered to his daughter as he put her down, she turned round to have a look, there stood Jenna with the biggest smile on her face,
"AUNTIE JEN!" She screamed as she ran towards her,
"You must be Cassie, I've heard so much about you," Jenna tickled her chin as she too picked her up in her arms,
"Daddy talks about you a lot, is it true that you are a princess?" Cassie's eyes were wide and had a small spark in them,
"I was a princess, but now I'm a queen." She whispered, resulting in a gasp from Cassie and an even tighter hug.

They had known each other five minutes but already thought the world of each other.

That evening, Hope had prepared dinner. Jenna insisted that she helped with dinner but Hope was completely against the idea. Cassie ate her portion so quickly because she wanted to go back upstairs and play with her toys. The three of them took their time to eat their food, until it was time to clear up, in which Jenna did because Scott had given Hope the look as if to say, if you don't let her help then you will most probably regret it, so Hope gave in and let Jenna clear up.
She had done all the washing and drying up and was ready to settle down infront of the television, that was until Cassie came downstairs.

"Auntie Jenna." She called, looking around for her current favourite person, Jenna could see her struggling to find her,
"I'm in here sweetie," she replied, hearing the patter of small feet run into the kitchen,
"Can we go to the toy store?" Her eyes were so innocent, she definitely had Jenna wrapped around her little finger,
"It's getting dark darling, we'll go tomorrow." She smiled,
"Please can we go now." Cassie pestered,
"If you don't take her, she will hold it against you forever." Scott advised from the sofa,
"Let me grab my car keys." Jenna gave in, earning a loud yay from Cassie.

The trip to the store was short but long enough for Jenna to listen to 'let it go' several times, it was Cassie's request. The car park was practically empty with only a couple of cars there. The entrance to the store was round the front whereas the parking was at the back so it was a little bit of a walk. Jenna helped Cassie out of the car, they held hands the whole way around until shouting and flashing lights made Jenna pick her up.

It was a lot of paparazzi, did they follow her there?
"Jenna! Jenna over here!" Voices shouted from every direction, causing Jenna to panic,
"Jenna, can you tell us about the next steps for the Avengers?" One asked,
"No comment." Were the only words to come out of her mouth, she gripped Cassie tighter and turned her away from the cameras, shielding her face.
"Why did the Avengers split up?"
"We didn't split up, we aren't a boyband!"
"Is this your daughter Jenna?" That question made her freeze,
"She's not my daughter, she's my niece. NOW MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!" Jenna lifted the three cameramen that were in her way out of the way, Cassie watched in awe as her hands turned purple and moved the people. As they walked past she stuck her tongue out, earning a small look from Jenna, but who could be mad at little Cassie.

When they returned home, Cassie ran straight upstairs. Scott and Hope were sat on the sofa, he had already poured Jenna a large glass of wine. She fell down onto the sofa and put her feet up, taking a deep breath as she did.
"Was the toy store stressful?" Hope smiled,
"There were loads of paparazzi there, it was so unexpected." Jenna explained,
"Did they ask anything?" Hope took a sip of her wine,
"Well, they did ask if Cassie was my daughter." The three of them laughed until Scott piped up,
"Did you ever want children Jen?"
"We spoke about it a little whilst we were on Sakaar. Loki loved the idea of a little him running around, he kept referring to it as baby mischief. We didn't tell anyone about our plans, it made them that little more special, knowing that they were personal. Anyway, what about you two, I bet Cassie would love to be a big sister someday." Jenna winked at the pair,
"Well, we were going to focus on updating the quantum realm first but after that you never know." Scott stated.

The moon was high in the sky, Jenna was sleeping on the sofa, she kept thinking about everything the paparazzi said, all the questions were running through her head. Was tonight going to be another sleepless one?

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