You didn't see that coming

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Everyone was now suited up. Wanda was in her back dress and red jacket Jenna gave her, Pietro was in his suit that he hadn't actually taken off since he got it. This was the first time in months Jenna had worn her white suit, it felt weird but at the same time she felt like herself again.

Bruce stayed back, he was afraid that if he unleashed the Hulk again, he wouldn't turn back. Everyone supported his decision, they needed Bruce more than Hulk. Loki was the first on the quinejet, he was excited to fight, he felt it would relieve a lot of built up anger inside of him.
Wanda was the last to the jet, she was worried about returning to Sokovia incase Hydra came after her and Pietro. Jenna had to rush inside to find her so they could leave, she was stood infront of the mirror in the living room, wiping away tears. Wanda saw Jenna and ran to her, falling into her arms,
"I don't want to go back there, what if they find me and Tro!" Wanda sniffed,
"Hey hey, it's going to be fine, the whole team is here this time. We are taking down Hydra, this will be the end of them." Wanda nodded her head and wiped her nose, they walked arm in arm out to the jet so they could take off.

Now landing in Sokovia, they sent Pietro off first to speed around town, instructing citizens to stay in there homes, and to not leave until told to do so. Most of them listened, the remainder stayed out until they saw the flying robots invade the city. That's when they fled inside.

The avengers headed to the old abandoned church, where most of the robots were gathered. There was currently no sign of Ultron.
Pietro had run to the Hydra base to investigate but nothing was there, apart from,
"Strucker is dead!" He shouted, "with no leader, there is no Hydra, they have fled, but I still don't see Ultron!"
A weight was taken off everyone's shoulders, most of those who worked for Strucker were there against their will, they didn't voluntarily work for him. All they needed now was Ultron to appear.

The avengers defeated the robots one by one. Wanda and Jenna smashed them using magic, Loki was using his daggers, Thor would throw Mjölnir and produce lightning, Steve and Nat tackled them and ripped them apart, Tony used his suit to shatter them, whilst Vision used the mind stone to send lasers through them all. Clint was on the roof, shooting arrows at ones that approached.

Until he saw something other than robots. There was a young boy out in the open, and a small Hydra ship, loaded with guns heading towards him.
Clint ran to grab the boy, shielding him from the bullets that were about to appear.
Flying the ship was Ultron himself.
Clint turned his back to Ultron, ready to sacrifice himself for the young boy. He was waiting for the end, but it never came, at least not for him.

He had slowly turned round, eyes wide, at the sight before him.
"You didn't see that coming" Pietro managed to say, his voice was scratchy. He had taken the bullets for Clint. He let go of the boy to be at Pietro's side. Performing cpr, but it wasn't working.

Wanda stopped fighting. Her face pale, her expression hurt. She let out an ear piercing scream that made everyone stop and stare, she fell to her knees and let out a large red surge of power. Jenna managed to shield it from hurting anyone in close proximity. Wanda just stayed on the floor, letting all her tears run free.

Vision had risen from where he was and shot down Ultron, therefore killing all his robots. Their work here was done.

Wanda struggled to get up, but she didn't want help. She hobbled over to Pietro, Clint hadn't left his side but he stood up in respect for Wanda. She knelt down infront of his head, running her fingers over his eyes, closing them for good. She placed a gentle kiss to his forehead.
"Goodbye Tro, I love you." Her final words to him had set her tears off again. Everyone left her to have her final moments with her brother. When it was time to head back to the jet, Vision carried Wanda there, she was too weak to walk.

Tony and Steve led a clear up of the robots. In a matter of hours Sokovia was a thriving country again.

Wanda walked behind everyone on the way back to the jet. Turning back multiple times.
"I don't want to stay in Sokovia, it may be my home, but I have lost too much here." Wanda declared, taking one last look at her home.

It was now late evening that same day. The avengers had held a small ceremony for Pietro, planting a tree in his memory. His real body was buried in Sokovia.

Loki was making the bed, whilst Jenna dried her hair after a shower.
"Yes love"
"I feel as if I failed Wanda"
"How do you mean?"
"Well, I promised her everything would be okay, but it isn't. She lost the only family she had left, I can't help but feel guilty."
"Pietro died in honour of Sokovia. It will all be okay in the end. Wanda will always be there for you because she loves you, they both do, Pietro is watching over all of us."

They climbed into bed ready to sleep, but Jenna had one more question for Loki.

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