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The Avengers finally landed in Wakanda, they left Korg and Miek back at the compound incase Jenna and Thor showed up, but they never did, they were all still waiting on their arrival.
"Any sign of Thor on the radars Bruce?" Steve asked, about to open the door to the quinjet,
"No, no not yet, they'll be here though." Bruce nodded, getting slightly more paranoid that they didn't have the gods to assist them.

As the doors opened they were greeted by T'Challa and his sister Shuri, along with Okoye, who was a member of the Dora Milaje, Wakanda's female warriors.
"T'Challa, when you said you were opening Wakanda to the world, I thought you meant the olympics, or maybe even a Starbucks." Okoye spoke with a glimmer of hope that he would take on her ideas.
"Relax Okoye, I might consider it." He smiled, causing her to clench her fists in joy.

"Your highness." Steve granted as he stepped out of the first quinjet, along with Bruce, Nat, Wanda and Vision.
"Captain Rogers. Welcome to Wakanda. This is my sister Shuri, we best get started, I'm not sure how much time we have."
"Follow me please." Shuri stepped forward with the largest smile on her face, Wanda and Vision following her first.

Shuri's lab was so much more advanced than Tony's. Vision was laid down on a bed made of Vibranium. In Wakanda, nearly everything was made of it.
"What have you tried doing so far?" Shuri turned to Bruce who was stood beside her,
"Nothing." He shamefully answered,
"How did the stone end up in his head Mr Banner?"
"It was engineered into it, Vison is made of Vibranium, the stone is tough to get out. The stone gives him life."
"Why didn't you just adjust the molecular structure of Vision, then he would be able to exist with depending on the stone?" Shuri asked. Vision turning his head to look at Bruce.
"Because we didn't think of it." Bruce answered her in all honesty.
"How long will it take?" Steve asked Shuri as she started to set up her equipment,
"As long as you can give me."
"I hate to interrupt but we haven't got long, theres an army of space dogs trying to invade the border!" Nat communicated through Steve's earpiece.

Shuri started her work, with Wanda by her side to defend Vision if anyone came for the stone. Everyone else was now out in the field.
"What are they doing?" Nat asked as the creatures were trying to break through the border, killing them selves as they did,
"They're killing them selves?" Steve noticed,
"Sister, open the border on the north face!" T'Challa ordered, "is everyone ready!" He shouted at the top of his voice.

The creatures were now flooding the field infront of them, they all watched in terror as the reality of what was happening settled in. Wanda was overlooking the field from the lab.

"WAKANDA FOREVER!" T'Challa shouted as the entire Wakandan army along with the Avengers ran towards the enemy. Gun shots could be heard, screams of anger. There were too many to fight off, they needed more help.
Steve was being attacked by three space creatures, he was losing. Suddenly they were both shot off him by Wanda who was angry with herself for leaving Vision but deep down she knew he would be okay.
"Your welcome." She stated.

They all continued to fight along with the help of Wanda. Until huge rumbles of thunder and strikes of lightning filled the sky over Wakanda. Everyone looked up in awe, as they knew exactly what was happening.
In the centre of the creatures, killing hundreds, arrived Thor and Jenna, but without Loki.
"BRING ME THANOS!" Thor screamed at the top of his lungs as he ran and jumped into the air, smashing his fist on the ground as he landed, sending multiple lightning strikes out from all directions.
"WHERE IS MY FATHER!" Jenna also screamed, her sheer volume sending out a large surge of purple energy, just as she did on the ship.

Tony was the only one to spot Thanos' arrival at the end of the field as he flew over.
"I'm not sure on who Thanos is but I'm guessing it's the purple guy who has just appeared." He spoke through the earpieces.

Little did they all know, a creature had invaded Shuri's lab. Vision flew it out the window, along with himself. He was now an open target to anyone, especially because he was weaker than before now.

Jenna was the first to reach Thanos.
"How dare you show up here!" She hissed at him,
"I'm simply doing what you failed to do." He sneered. That's when she snapped, without warning she threw many energy balls at Thanos, sending him back ever so slightly with each one.
Out of the blue, Strange joined them both. Thanos grinned, knowing that one of the final stones was in arms reach of him. Strange opened the eye of agamotto and handed the stone to Thanos. Jenna's mouth was wide open as he did. As Thanos lowered the stone into the gauntlet she grabbed Strange and pulled him away.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" She spat at him,
"I've been forward into millions of realities, this is the one where we win. We're in the endgame now."

"Well no shit Sherlock, you just gave a bloody infinity stone away like it was a lollipop!" She was so angry, she knew Thanos was getting what he always wanted. She had to resist the urge to send Strange halfway across the field, but she did it anyway.
He landed infront of Steve.
"Where's the stone?"
"He has it."

Wanda overheard them, out of the corner of her eye she saw Vision fly over towards where Thanos was.
"Steve! Vis is over there!" She shouted, Steve following her to where she was running to.
Jenna saw Vision land down infront of her,
"Jenna, you must break the stone, I'm not sure of Wanda's whereabouts." His voice was shaken,
"No, your not dying today Vision!"
"I'm here, I'm here." Wanda called out as she landed in the woods. Jenna felt like crying seeing Wanda, she had grown up so much in the time she had been away, but now wasn't the time, they had a job to do. Protect Vision.

"You must break the stone my love, we haven't much time." Vision knelt down before Wanda,
"I can't." She started to cry, her bottom lip quivering.
"I love you." He reassured her, before she stepped back and took a deep breath.

Jenna turned back to see Thanos appear, she was once again fighting him to give Wanda more time. At first Wanda was holding Thanos back but called for Jenna to help. The woods shook as the mind stone shattered into tiny pieces. Jenna grabbed Wanda before she fell but Thanos launched them both back. The girls were holding onto each other as Thanos stepped over to Vision.

His wrist now green, he used the time stone to rewind time and bring Vision back to life. Jenna could see the exact moment Wanda's heart shattered.
"NO!" Wanda screamed as she got up, but Thanos launched her back again.

He grabbed Vision by the neck. The same way he did to Loki, which made Jenna feel sick, thats all she could think about. Using his other hand, he gripped the mind stone tightly, forcing it out of Visions head. He threw his lifeless body towards Wanda and Jenna as the final stone was placed inside the gauntlet.

Thanos' arm lit up, he was ready to snap, but Jenna jumped up on his shoulders, forcing his head back. As Thor launched in and forced his new weapon, Stormbreaker, into his chest.

"Your going to die after everything you have done!" Thor was angry,
"You should have gone for the head." Was all Thanos could say.


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