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*a few weeks later*

Jenna and Thor were cleaning his room as it had become a bit dusty. Thor didn't like cleaning that much, hence why it got so bad, but he enjoyed cleaning with Jenna, she made it bearable.

"Let's have a little break eh sister." Thor loved to refer to Jenna as sister as he knew that what she and Loki had was strong and very special.
"A break, from cleaning? Thor we are almost finished." Jenna raised her arms, still holding the pink feather duster. Thor took off his also pink apron and threw himself back on his bed.
"No no, a break from Asgard. A holiday as the Midgardians call it."
"Good thinking Thor, but where to?" Jenna asked, now dropping her duster and joining Thor on the bed. The temptation to tickle his stomach was high but she had to hold back, unless she wanted to be thrown out the window.

"Midgard?" Thor suggested,
"I love that idea Thor, we can see the avengers again"
"Midgard? They hate me there brother" Loki complained as he popped his head round the corner,
"Who said anything about you coming with us love?" Jenna teased as she tried to control her laughter,
"Well darling, we both know you would want me to come too, who else would you sh" Loki continued,
"THATS enough Loki, of course you can come, I was just joking" Jenna awkwardly left the conversation and the rest of the cleaning to Thor and Loki.

Loki picked up the duster Jenna left and turned his attention to Thor's very dusty shelf.
"When do we venture to Midgard then brother?" Loki turned back to look at Thor who was still on the bed,
"How about tomorrow, I can arrange everything with Stark. I will make sure that he gives you and Jenna a room of luxury, and a big bed." Thor winked as he walked away from Loki.

"THOR!" he shouted after him, but he got the apron thrown in his face. He sighed before throwing the duster and apron on Thor's bed, then he removed the bedding from his duvet and pillows. Next stop was Thor's bathroom. Loki rummaged through the draws until he found a red lipstick.
"I'm not even going to question it" he muttered to himself then proceeded to draw lips on the mirror with the lipstick. Loki loved playing tricks on Thor, it was utterly hilarious when Thor tried to get him back, but it never worked.

You can't trick a trickster!

Dusting off his hands whilst he stood at the door to Thor's room, Loki felt proud of his work. Although he wasn't too sure on how Jenna would react to it, she spent so much time cleaning with Thor for Loki to just mess it up. The room was still clean it was just a bit messy.

Anyway, Loki left his art to find Jenna, who was sat in her room.

"I got you something Jen," Loki waltzed into the room, pulling a book out of thin air, "it's a book"
"I'm aware it's a book Loki, what is it about?"
"It's the norse mythology book we read in the cell, I thought it would make a nice present before we leave for Midgard"
"Loki's that's a lovely idea, but, did you steal this, it isn't kept in the library."
"I prefer the term mischievously posess, but yes, I did steal it" he had a large grin on his face, "anyway Jen, you know that stealing goes against my moral compass!"
"Loki...your moral compass, is a yes or no wheel, when you want to do something the hand magically lands on yes, when you don't want to do something it lands on no. So you have no moral compass, you do what you want."

The two fell asleep in Jenna's bed until they were woken up at the crack of dawn by a very excited Thor.

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