Don't go!

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Jenna had sat around thinking for roughly an hour now. She had paced the length of her room about seven times, and her room wasn't the smallest of rooms. Panic had struck her. Panic for Thor. Was he okay?

Midgard was a whole new world compared to Asgard. For starters, Asgard was more advanced, well it had been 70 years since Jenna had been there. Howard Stark did promise flying cars, who knows how far that idea went, probably not that far. She had to do something to aid Thor.
"Why don't I just go and fetch him myself" she whispered to herself, full of relief that she had finally found a solution to one of her many issues right now.

Still in her dress, she carefully ripped it off herself, in a quest to not damage it. When her dress was off, her armour was on, Jenna felt herself in her armour. Racing out of her chambers and down the hallways, Jenna was determined to reach Heimdall before anyone else did, she didn't want any interference, she knew what she had to do and nothing was going to stop her.

The quickest route down the bridge would be by horse. Jenna fled to the stables to find her horse, Frey.
"Hey Frey" Jenna approached her horse, she earned a happy snort back, "let's go for a ride shall we?" She jumped onto Frey's back, she didn't need a saddle as Frey was very well trained.

Little did Jenna know, Loki was watching her every move from the balcony in the palace. He too rushed down to his horse, and preceded to follow Jenna.

As she was getting closer to Heimdall, Loki rode up beside her.
"Darling, if you were taking Frey out, why didn't you invite me?" Loki had startled Jenna,
"Because I'm only taking her down the bridge Loki" she took a deep breath in "I'm going to Midgard." Jenna pulled Frey to a halt, Loki did the same, they hopped off the horses, now they were stood infront of each other. Jenna patted Frey's leg as a signal for her to return to the stables, Loki's horse soon followed.

"Midgard, may I ask why"
"To retrieve Thor, I dread to think how he is doing and he has a right to know about Odin"
"Jen, Thor is most probably fine, you know what he is like" Loki tried to stop her from going, he was trying to be discreet.
"Loki, out of the two of us, you should really be more worried about him, but it seems that isn't the case, is there something you're not telling me?" Jenna was prying him for answers.

"No..." Jenna just raised her eyebrows at Loki's blunt comment, "fine. Please don't go, I need you here, with me. Jenna I can't be King alone"
"Well, Thor's banishment and Odins sleep, the throne falls to me. A king is no one without his queen. I need my queen here with me. Please Jen" Loki pleaded.
"Alright alright, no need to get all soppy. I'll stay. I promise." Loki smiled larger than he had ever done before, he was finally getting everything he ever wanted. He grabbed Jenna by the waist and lifted her off the ground, spinning her around, both of them in fits of giggles.
"Come on dear, let's go rule Asgard" Loki wrapped his arm over her shoulder as they took a lengthy walk back down the bridge.

"Loki, meet me here in 10 minutes, I'm going to get changed then we can go on that long awaited date you promised me" Jenna placed a short kiss on his lips and left to get changed. Well, that's where Loki thought she was going.

Jenna strutted into the main hall only to be greeted by Lady Sif and the warriors three.
"Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstaag, I have a huge favour to ask of you"
"What is it your majesty" Sif spoke, they all bowed before Jenna.
"Firstly, it's a bit too early for the majesty speak, anyway, I need you all to venture to Midgard, to retrieve Thor and bring him home. He is currently unaware of the Odinsleep and he needs to know. I would have gone myself but as temporary queen of Asgard, it's my duty to do right by my people, and Loki. He has asked that i stay here, instead I wish to send Asgards most noble warriors."
"Jenna, why is Thor on Midgard" Fandral questioned,
"He was banished by Odin"
"I'm sorry Jenna, that's Odins orders, we can't possibly go against that" Fandral worried,
"Fandral, Odin has now current power over Asgard, his word against Thor is now being lifted by the current monarch. Please respect that."
"We shall set off now" Sif closed the conversation before Fandral could say anything further.
"Thank you all" Jenna turned her back to walk away and actually get changed.

Jenna pulled on a short blue dress to meet Loki. As promised he was stood in the hallway, patiently waiting.
"Dear, you look ravishing" Loki breathed out,
"Come on your majesty" Jenna linked her arm around his and guided him to the gardens.

They sat down on a blanket on the decking in the front of the hut that Jenna and Hela built.
"Goodness, this hut needs a bit of tender loving care dear" Loki turned,
"Well that can be for another day, anyway, this hut is a reminder of someone I lost, we built it together"
"Can I be the one to help you restore it?" Loki delicately asked,
"Of course you can, I'll need to buy some paint"
"No need, we have magic"
"Loki, we built this hut by hand, we can't just use magic now"
"Well, it can be a sign to new beginnings, for us and the hut" Jenna just tilted her head and laughed at the one she loved.

They both stood up, green and red light surrounded the hut. It went from a broken down, rusty wooden structure to a majestic, modern hut, still the same colour, it just had a bit of a face lift.

"I love it Loki"
"I love you Jenna"

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