Little talks

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Wanda and Pietro had now been introduced to the rest of the team. Thor embraced them both in a hug, but they both immediately bonded with Clint. Everyone was like that with Clint, he was branded the most useless avenger but the team valued him, he was the dad of the group.
With the addition of the twins, the avengers were an even bigger family.

"Does anyone want any tea? Coffee?" Loki offered as he stood from the sofa, everyone asked for tea, apart from Thor who wanted coffee to be different. If he had coffee he would have too much energy so Loki was just going to make him tea. Thor can't tell the difference between them anyway.
"Since when do you make drinks?" Jenna asked him, very confused at the new skill her boyfriend had claimed. Loki flicked the kettle on and got out ten mugs,
"Since now. Biscuit anyone?"
"Can I have a dry Midgardian cake brother?" Thor called. Loki didn't want Thor to have one because then there would be none left, so he did what any other person would do. Loki immediately shoved four biscuits into his mouth, fed two to Jenna who was closest to him, threw one at Tony's head then proceeded to show Thor the empty box.
"See brother, theres none left." Loki choked on crumbs as he spoke, tilting the cardboard box towards Thor.

Now everyone had a cup of tea, the atmosphere felt more homely.
"Tell us a bit more about yourself. We met you in New York, then you disappeared and now your back, living here. I hardly know anything about you, care to tell us."
"Whatever you wish Stark."

Jenna shuffled in her seat and gripped her mug tighter as she started her story.

"I was born roughly three thousand years ago on a planet called Titan. Well I say born, my father Thanos, he forged me using all six infinity stones. Then he sent me away, so I found a new place to live. Asgard. I found a friend there, well I found family. Those next thousand odd years were the best ones of my life so far. After a couple of new additions to the royal family. We know them as Thor and Loki. I left Asgard for Midgard, or Earth. Where I met Steve, but he was much smaller back then, I also met Bucky, he was lovely too. Once Steve enlisted in the war, I headed back to Asgard, where I was greeted with a grown up Thor and Loki. Fast forward a couple weeks, it was Thor's coronation, secrets were revealed and bonds were broken, but I developed a very precious bond that day between Loki and I. Then there was New York, and everything with the elves on Asgard, and now I'm here, surrounded by my family."

"One more thing Jen, what powers do you have because we have all seen your colour changing wiggly woos but I want to know more." Tony pried her for answers.

"Well, there are six infinity stones. Space, reality, power, soul, mind and time. The space stone allows me to have power over space, I can create portals from one universe to another and travel between them, basic teleportation. The reality stone grants me complete control over the fabric of reality, I can affect reality on a universal scale. The power stone, which is a personal favourite, allows me to have unlimited power, it can be very destructive, i have the capability to obliterate planets. The soul stone gives me the ability to manipulate the soul and resurrection. The mind stone allows me to control minds and speak to you telepathically, I can also read your minds so be careful. And finally, the time stone allows me total control over the past, present and future, I can stop and rewind time."

"God, I wish I never asked now, your sort of scary" Tony confessed,
"Trust me Stark, I'm on your team."

"I want to go next" Pietro spoke, "if that's okay of course." Everyone just nodded along. "Well we were both born in Sokovia, I'm twelve minutes older, anyway. We had a pretty simple life, lived in a small flat in the centre of the town. I remember one day, we were both ten, Wanda chose a sitcom to watch."
"The Dick Van Dyke show" Wanda interrupted her brother,
"So we sat down to watch it. There was screaming outside but we thought nothing of it, then there were gunshots, still, we thought nothing of it. Then the first shell goes off three floors below, makes a hole in our floor too." Everyone was shocked, Tony looked a little sheepish but they ignored that. "We can't find our parents, I drag Wanda under the bed, another shell lands infront of us. We were waiting for it to go off, the red light kept flashing but nothing. We were trapped for three days. Then we were in the orphanage until we were 16, then we volunteered at Hydra and now we are here."
"While we were waiting for the shell to go off, all we did was look at the words on the side."
"Stark." They said in unison, both their accents thick. Everyone turned to Tony who was hiding behind his mug. The room was silent for a good few minutes, until Steve broke it.

"Moving swiftly on. I have a story I think Jenna would want to hear. May I?" Everyone once again nodded, "this is the story of my life long best friend Bucky." Jenna looked at him with wide eyes, her full attention now on Steve. Loki gripped her hand from under the table as he could tell she was apprehensive. "Me and Bucky had been friends for as long as I can remember. We did everything together, then Bucky was accepted as a soldier in the war, he was sent out, then soon after I enlisted and was sent out to. Then there was the super soldier serum ordeal and everything. Near the end of the war, me and Buck were sent to invade a train, holding the head of Hydra. We landed ontop of the train but we were shot down, I managed to hang on but... but Bucky fell. I presumed he was dead, until a couple of years ago. He was brainwashed into a ruthless assassin. He is okay now, resting in Amsterdam."
"What was his alias?"
"The winter soldier." Jenna gasped, Strucker spoke about him, maybe Hydra still think he is in action.

"My turn!" Thor stood from his seat causing Loki to put his head in his hands, this time Jenna held onto Loki to comfort him, although she was excited to hear what Thor had to say, everyone was. "I was born to Odin and Frigga, may she rest in piece. I remember growing up, there was one lady who was always there. Jenna. She would take me down to the market and we would pick out fruits for my food, when she left I was heartbroken."
"He wouldn't stop crying for a week"
"Yes thank you Loki, anyway. Then she came back, yay, just in time for my coronation which went in every direction but the right one. There was this one time, Loki was practicing his magic, and he transformed himself into a snake because he knows I love snakes so I went to pick it up but he changed back and went bleugh its me and he stabbed me. We were eight at the time." Loki was now smirking, Jenna was laughing, the rest of the avengers were mortified.

They continued talking for hours, until.
"Oh my goodness I completely forgot to tell you this because I was too focused on getting the twins to safety. That robot, erm, Ultron? Yes Ultron. He works with Hydra, and they have something up their sleeve, I could sense it the moment I stepped back in there. So, to take down Hydra, we need to take down Ultron."

Everyone finished their drinks and rushed to the meeting room, apart from Bruce and Tony who ventured to the lab and Jenna and the twins who ventured to the sofa and television. She didn't want them in fights just yet, they had to stay hidden incase of Hydra finding them.

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