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*Asgard, roughly 1500 years before Thor's birth*

Jenna touched base on Asgard for the time being. She hoped to find a sense of normality, living the start of her life around literal aliens, she needed to understand how real people worked. As her feet landed in the centre of a large golden dome she couldn't help but feel homesick, Asgard was completely different to Titan, it had golden houses and it was bursting with light, it looked like the future.

Jenna began to walk out but stopped dead in her tracks. A tall figure stood before her.
"Lady Jenna, I saw you enter the atmosphere, I hope your journey here wasn't too rough."
Lady Jenna? She thought to herself. The man spoke with a deep voice, if he saw her enter, he must have been a gatekeeper of some sort. He was skilled. He held a large golden sword and he just stared with a blank expression upon his visage.
"Sorry, let me introduce myself, I am Heimdall, gatekeeper of Asgard."
"Lovely to meet you Heimdall, erm how do I go about"
"As you are unknown and new to Asgard, I suggest you report to the All-Father before venturing into the realm itself, we wouldn't want the Asgardians to feel threatened by you. Goddess of the infinity stones."
That was the first time Jenna had been called a Goddess, it shook her, but in a good way.

Jenna didn't speak back to Heimdall, instead she just nodded her head with an awkward smile and walked out into the open onto the rainbow bridge. It glimmered a thousand colours in the sunlight. Asgard was warm, a comforting place. Underneath the bridge was water, it was bright blue, unlike the murky colour that riddled Titan's waters.
The bridge was miles long, as lovely as the walk down it would be, she snapped her fingers and teleported to the gates of the golden castle instead.

It was a rather large castle, towering thousands of metres above her. If she were to look at the very top she would topple backwards.
The doors were large and heavy, Jenna used all her strength to open them, until she gave up and used her magic.

"Here goes nothing" she whispered before strutting in with full confidence.

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