Goodbye my love

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Jenna and Loki were in the throne room. Jenna was sat in the middle of the room, whilst Loki was on the throne.

"Let's dance" Loki called to Jenna, who immediately shot up from the floor,
"Please teach me"
"Wait, you don't know how to dance"
"I never learnt. I did try once, but I gave up. I would always stand aside when there was a ball, wishing that I could dance"
"Did my mother never teach you, she taught me"
"My friend tried to teach me but we ended up stealing fruits from the market instead"
"Well, let me be the one to now teach you." Loki held out his hand for Jenna to take.

They positioned themselves in the centre of the room,
"Ready?" Loki asked,
"As I'll ever be"
"1,2,3...1,2,3" Loki was counting as they started to waltz. He stopped counting once Jenna had gotten the hang of it, now they just slowly swayed. Jenna shot some magic towards her music player. 'If you love me' started playing, the song was special to Jenna. It was special to Loki too, considering it was the first song he heard that had lyrics.
Jenna's head was on Loki's chest, he placed a kiss to her forehead.

Suddenly without warning, a guest burst through the doors.

"LOKI!" Thor boomed from the doorway,
"Oh amazing he's back" Loki whispered to Jenna. She was happy Thor was back but Loki could never know she was the reason for it.
"What have you done with father" Thor demanded as he got closer to the pair, who were now practically joined at the hip. Jenna winked at Thor, to signal that she was pretending. She started to produce purple light from her hands, her face full of anger.
"It's okay my love" Loki whispered to her, pushing her hands down in an attempt to 'calm' her, she just simply walked back and sat on the throne. "Father has fallen into the Odinsleep, you can bring your urgent matter to me. Your King!" Loki snarled at Thor.
"Oh stop this nonsense Loki" Thor hissed. Jenna just sat back on the throne, eyebrows raised, just observing the brothers quarrel.

Loki took the illusion off his sceptre which was in his hand the whole time. He shot a blast at Thor.

"LOKI!" all three of them looked over to the doors, where the voice had come from.

Odin was stood there. Covered with rage that ripped through him.
"Hey" Jenna called to him, "don't you even think about blaming Loki for all this, and don't say you weren't going to because I know that you definitely were going to! The throne fell to him in both of your absences, none of this is his fault."

Jenna stormed out, Loki following close behind. Thor and Odin also followed, they obviously had more of a fight to propose, Loki wasn't going to give up the throne like that.

She kept walking, the boys all following shortly behind. She stopped in the middle of the bridge,
"Whatever you all have to say, say it here, because I bet no one in the palace wants to hear your petty argument!" Jenna demanded.
They all stood in silence for a minute, until Thor lunged for Loki. Jenna jumped infront to stop him, her eyes and hands now red, now she truly was angry and she wasn't pretending either. If it came to the right choice or the one she loved, Jenna would always choose Loki.

The four of them started to fight. Loki against Thor. Jenna against Odin. He had managed to push Jenna down, which only angered Loki, no one laid a finger on Jenna, especially Odin. He leapt towards Odin, but Thor had managed to stand in the way. Loki punched his sceptre into the bridge so he could twist himself round and kick Thor. This led Thor to pinning Loki to the ground with Mjölnir.

"Thor" Loki called out, "I never wanted the throne, I only ever wanted to be your equal!" This made everyone stand still, especially Odin. Had he realised how differently he had treated Loki?

Suddenly, a canon was fired from the castle. Without the others knowing, Odin had ordered a guard to send one as a warning shot for the battle to finish, but the canon wasn't aimed properly and smashed into the bridge instead. This sent Loki flying off the edge.

He was gripping onto the end of his sceptre, Thor holding the other end, Odin gripping Thor's cape to stop him from falling. Jenna was knelt beside Thor, holding her hand out for Loki to grab once Thor had pulled him up a bit more.
"I could have done it father, for you, for all of us" Loki looked to Jenna as he spoke, earning a guilty smile from her.
"No Loki" Odin spoke. Jenna's face dropped at his disbelief in his adoptive son.

"Goodbye my love" Loki whispered loud enough for Jenna to hear. His hand slowly let go of the sceptre, he never broke eye contact with Jenna.

She was speechless. Her tears spoke more than words.

He was gone.

Loki was gone.

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