Carry the burden, not the name

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Today was the day. The day many had been waiting for. The marriage between Loki and Jenna was upon them. Loki hadn't been staying at home, instead he and Thor were living above the bakery, he was so relieved that the day had finally arrived because it meant that he didn't have to be the only one putting up with Thor all the time.

In comparison to Loki, Jenna had an amazing time with Wanda and Scott. Valkyrie send her love and wishes as she was currently out in space, Thor was due to go with her soon but no one really knew when. The trio had an absolute blast, they did a lot of karaoke and star gazing. However this morning wasn't as relaxing as the past few days had been.

Scott was already ready and had left to help set up the venue in the town square. Wanda stayed behind with Jenna to keep her company and keep her relaxed. Wanda had styled Jenna's hair beautifully, she had added more depth to her natural waves that flowed through her short blonde locks. As she did so they got chatting about the day and the future.

"I can't wait for Loki to see you Jen, he's going to fall more in love with you than he already is." Wanda beamed as she made eye contact with Jenna through the mirror, she wasn't one to blush but this time she was.
"Wanda you'll make me cry." She giggled. Jenna picked up a makeup brush and started to delicately apply a light brown eyeshadow under her lower lash line, she didn't really know what it would add to the look but she did it anyways.
"Have you sorted out your vows yet?" Wanda questioned her but caused Jenna to go wide eyes and jump up from her seat.
"Vows! Oh for Odins sake I completely forgot! What in Hel am I going to do?!"
"Improvise it, Loki has probably forgotten aswell."

Little did they know, Loki hadn't forgotten and had been writing his vows since before he even proposed.

It was now ten minutes before the wedding was due to start. Jenna had her dress on along with her horns. Jo was right, they contrasted each other perfectly. Jenna was stood in the front bedroom that had a distanced but clear view of the town square. The aisle was black carpeted along with the seats that were either side. Along the sides of the town were the masses of tables that were decorated beautifully and were ready to seat everyone once the main part of the ceremony had finished.

Whilst Jenna had been gazing out the window, Wanda was getting changed, she had her heels on too. When she saw Jenna peering out the window she did a little skip over and pulled the curtains shut.
"No peeking! Your fiancé soon to be husband is out there." She poked Jenna's nose. But Jenna was too stunned to speak, Wnada was absolutely gorgeous in her dress.
"Wow, I, just wow." Was all she could say, "your beautiful Wanda."

Jenna popped on her horns as they were about to leave but she felt as if something was missing, that's when she ran over to the kitchen drawer and grabbed the matching daggers she and Loki had, sliding them both onto her garter that was situated on her right leg.
"Now I'm ready."
Scott met them outside the house, he handed her a bouquet of Dahlias to hold as she walked down the aisle. Reality started to settle in and the nerves started to hit. Butterflies flew through her stomach at hundreds of miles an hour.

Loki was waiting for Jenna, Thor was stood beside him holding the rings. Loki's suit was all black and it made him look hotter than usual. Loki took a deep breath, exhaling quite loudly to calm himself more.
"Nervous brother?" Thor leant over and whispered in his ear as they watched the people of New Asgard be seated by Korg.
"Personal space, brother." Loki sneered with a cheeky grin at Thor.

The pianist sat down and started to play the most beautiful sequence ever known to man. This made the brothers stand up straight as they now knew. It was time.

Jenna was still hidden but Scott and Wanda gave her reassuring hugs and kisses to the cheeks before they set off arm in arm before her. She could see that they had taken their seats at the front. Now it was her turn.

Her dress trailed beautifully behind her as she took slowly took steps towards her future. As Jenna came into view of Loki her heart raced, she was so madly in love with him it was almost fictional. Jenna paused when she got to the end of the aisle and smiled at Loki, earning wide eyes from him and murmers of love from all the Asgardians. As she walked past everyone, Jenna discreetly heard a young girl gasp and turn to her mother before saying,
"She's so pretty." This made Jenna's heart burst with love and she smiled even more, if it was possible.

The piano silenced and Korg, who was initiating the wedding, introduced Loki to starting his vows. This already made Jenna anxious as she hadn't thought about what to say.

"Jenna. When I first met you I was the outcast prince of Asgard, the troublemaker, the one who was mischievous instead of noble. When I saw you talking to my mother, you were so relaxed, very few are relaxed when talking to the Queen but I knew there was more to you than you were letting on. You were the definition of noble that I could never be but look at you now, your pure mischief and I only have myself to thank. I know that you are forever burdened by your past but your a Laufeyson now, you can be burdened by the past but no longer the name. I love you Jenna and I will continue to love you, for all time, always."

Loki's vows were a lot to live up to.

"Loki. My first encounter with you was unforgettable to say the least, the first words you said to me were, there are no men like me. As you say you were very mischievous. I was never supposed to fall in love or live the life that I have. I was supposed to collect a few stones and then be locked away and forever in pain but thankfully that changed. You changed my life. My love for you pulled me away from the fate I was destined to have but now I know why, because this was my fate, to be here with you. Over the course of the blip I did become pure mischief because I wanted to always keep you with me and I do still keep you with me to this day because I do love you Loki. And I will continue to love you, for all time, always."

"Will you two now please repeat after me." Korg started, he turned to Jenna first. "I Jenna Thanosdottir."
"I Jenna Thanosdottir."
"Take thee, Loki Laufeyson."
"Take thee Loki Laufeyson."
"To be my lawfully wedded husband."
"To be my lawfully wedded husband."

"I Loki Laufeyson."
"I Loki Laufeyson."
"Take thee Jenna Thanosdottir."
"Take thee Jenna Thanosdottir."
"To be my lawfully wedded wife."
"To be my lawfully wedded wife."

"I Korg now pronounce you, husband and wife. Loki, you may kiss the bride."

"May I love?" Loki cupped the sides of Jenna's face,
"You may."

Everyone danced throughout the night and into the early hours of the morning. Bottles and bottles of Asgardian whiskey flowed, making everyone a little tipsy, Scott however had two sips and was already on the seven pm.

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