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"NO!" Thor screamed as Thanos snapped his fingers together. The light that appeared straight after blinded them all. Jenna fell back from her father's shoulders as he disappeared. She hit the ground with a large thud, holding her head as she leant up.

"Thor? What just happened?" Steve asked, clutching his side. Thor couldn't talk, he was in so much shock.
"Oh my goodness." Jenna gasped, staring out into the distance.
"Steve?" Steve turned round to face who called him. It was Strange, he was looking up to Steve, his face fading into dust, blowing away in the breeze. Steve knelt down and felt the dust where Strange was just stood.
They all turned round out into the field, hundreds of Wakandan soldiers faded into dust.

T'Challa was looking for Okoye behind a bush,
"There you are, this is no place to die!" He held out for her hand but as she gripped his wrist he too turned to dust.

"JEN!" Wanda screamed,
"Wand? No, no no no." Jenna ran over, she was reaching out to grab Wanda,
"Let me go." She softly smiled as she too had turned to dust. Jenna slumped back next to Vision's lifeless body. She held her hand against where the mind stone used to be. The only thing on her mind now was Wanda, she had just got her back and now she had lost her again.

Natasha and Tony had come running over, they both gasped at the state of Vision.
"He did it." Jenna shrugged her shoulders as she spoke,
"Well no shit power puff girl!" Tony sneered, "at least we know he keeps his word."
"Only when it benefits him." Jenna stood up, lifting Visions body as she did. Her powers were now red as she was angry.

*Rural America*

"That's it, aim for the centre, and shoot." Clint rested his hand on his daughter's shoulders as he taught her how to shoot an arrow. With complete accuracy she hit the bullseye.
"Yeah! Good job Hawkeye." He ruffled her hair as she ran to pick up the spare arrows off the floor.

Clint looked down into his backyard. His two sons playing with a red frisbee while his wife, Laura, was assembling hot dogs.
"Honey, you want mustard or mayo?" She shouted from the wooden table, situated near the hillside.
"Mustard please," he turned back round mumbling to himself, "who puts mayo in a hot dog?" As he went to grab the arrows off his daughter, he realised she wasn't there.

He ran round the tree and into the garage to see if she had gone there. He even looked under the tractor but there was no sign of her anywhere.
Clint ran back to the field, but Laura and the boys were gone too.
"Honey!" He shouted, wishing for a response, but deep down he knew he wasn't going to get one. He fell back onto the hill, putting his head in his hands, forcing back tears but they always manage to slip out somehow.

*S.W.O.R.D headquarters*

Jenna was still holding Visions body. She walked up to two glass doors, forcing them open with her spare hand. She limped up to the front desk, looking for help.
"Where's director Rambeau?" She abruptly asked the young man sat at the front desk. He was very smartly dressed and it seemed to be his first day.
"She's absent at the moment but I can direct you to out acting director, Tyler Hayward."
"Thanks." Jenna was blunt. She made her way over to the second set of doors.
"Hold on I'll buzz you through." He shouted from the desk,
"No need." She blasted them open, earning stares from everyone around her.

*Avengers Compound*

Steve, Natasha, Thor, Bruce and Tony were all sat down on the sofas waiting for Jenna's return. She walked through the door, kicking off her boots and falling onto the sofa beside Thor.
"Thor was just telling us about Loki, I'm so sorry Jenna." Steve gave his condolences. Jenna didn't say anything, she just smiled and left the room.

She hesitantly pushed open the door to her and Loki's room. Taking a deep breath before stepping inside. She opened the closet and was greeted with all his suits, shirts and scarves. She took his black and white one, wrapping it around her neck, but the instant contact with her skin made her think about that dreadful day. She threw the scarf at the bed before bursting into tears.

Thor knocked on the door which startled Jenna. She wiped the tears from her eyes before turning round to talk to him.
"Hey Thor." She smiled at him,
"Hi Jen. I came to let you know that I'm leaving for New Asgard. Your welcome to join me."
"I think I'll stay here a little longer, I want to figure a couple of things out first."
"I respect your decision, take all the time you need."
"Hey, make sure you stock up on pop tarts."
"I'm going to miss you Jen...actually, there's something I want to do first."


Thor and Jenna teleported to Titan, they didn't want to drag the rest of the team along with them. The planet was so eerily quiet, there were no more birds in the sky. They both limped through the tall grass over to the hut. Thanos was just sat outside, enjoying the new found peace.

As Jenna approached him, the side of his face seemed to be burnt, the use of the stones obviously made an impact.
"Father?" Her tone of voice was soft, after everything he had done, he was still her father.
"Daughter. Why are you here?" His voice was hoarse.
"I want the stones, so I can reverse everything you have done." Thor behind her was clutching Stormbreaker tightly.
"They're gone."
"Gone!?" Thor shouted,
"I used the stones to destroy the stones. There is no reversing peace."

Just as Thanos made his final statement, Thor moved Jenna behind him, before slicing Thanos' head off. Jenna gasped before turning away, her eyes clouding with tears.
"I went for the head." Thor moved back, grabbing her hand, forcing them both home.

*Avengers Compound*

They arrived back in Loki's room, just where they left.
Thor gave Jenna the biggest hug before leaving. She walked him out the front of the compound.
"Love you Thor." She called to him, to which he just waved back.
When she walked back in, she had nothing but questions.
"Where has Tony gone, he was here a couple of minutes ago?"
"He left, he was planning on leaving for months. Him and Pepper have a cabin somewhere. Now just seemed to be the right time for him." Natasha informed her.

*one month later*

For the last couple of weeks, no one had really spoken about anything. Jenna was the first awake, to be honest she never really slept. The kitchen was cold, considering there were only four of them in the compound, they treasured each other's company. The kettle whistled to show it was done so she poured the hot water into four mugs of coffee.

She laid them on the table along with the mountain of toast and various condiments. Bruce was the first down, followed by Nat then Steve.
"Hey guys, I'm thinking of moving out too. I want to go back to my old lab and figure out a couple of things." Bruce announced over coffee and toast. It was extremely sudden.
"Whatever suits you best Bruce." Steve assured him.

The room after was silent, until Nat showed her voice,
"How was the trip to sword Jen? Did they say much?"
"No. I gave the director his body, told them all specifically that they weren't to touch it. Wanda is his next of kin so it should be her choice." Jenna nodded as she took a sip of her coffee.

Now it was the three of them.

They only had each other.

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