For all time, always.

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Jenna eyed up Loki. Not taking her eyes off him for even a second. She frantically searched his mind for any thoughts about his next moves, but there was nothing. It was empty.
His eyes were filled to the brim with sadness and guilt, they were teary.

All of a sudden Loki launched the dagger up to Thanos, who stopped it using the power from the gauntlet. He just held it up, staring down at his next victim, knowing that he had so much power, it made him greedy. Loki was shaking now, he knew that he had made a mistake.

" pathetic." Thanos spat. His next move was unforgivable. He forcefully made Loki drop the dagger, then he did the unthinkable.
Thanos bent down, ever so slightly, and gripped Loki round the neck using the gauntlet for extra strength. He was lifted into the air, clearly struggling to breathe and break free.
Jenna felt her heart shatter, her stomach drop, her hands shaky, her heart rate uneven.

"LET GO OF HIM!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, running towards her father. Her hands were shaking so much, nothing was leaving her, all she had was her voice. She ran over to Thanos and jumped upon his shoulders, Ebony didn't even try to stop her because he had something unforgettable coming for her.

Jenna slapped her hands to the sides of Thanos' skull, entering his mind. She gave him the illusion that he was holding and slowly killing her instead of Loki. Thanos ever so slightly lowered Loki to give Jenna the joy that her plan was working. Little did she know it wasn't actually working, until Thanos reached upon his shoulders, gripping Jenna by the neck and throwing her halfway across the ship. She fell down with a crash, a cut to her head.
"Your illusions don't work anymore daughter. I'm stronger now, I have had years of preparation for this moment." Thanos spat at her.

This time, Ebony threw her across the room. Fixing her to the wall using some more scraps of metal. Now her and Thor were in the same position. Helpless to the one they love most. Jenna wriggled and tried to force her way out but it wasn't working.

There was nothing either of them could do.

Loki was scratching at the sides of the gauntlet. Trying to break free. Something clicked in him, it's as if he knew this was his final moment, so he took his final words.
"You will never be a god." His voice was breathy and clearly in pain. Thanos peered over behind Loki to make eye contact with Jenna, a smug smile spread across his face.
"No resurrections this time." He sneered. Knowing he finally hurt his daughter as much as he possibly could.

Jenna and Thor both let out a muffled but painful scream of grief. Suddenly Thanos and Ebony disappeared and the ship started to glow purple. They didn't have much time.
Thor managed to break free before Jenna so he rushed to free her. They both crawled over to Loki, hugging his lifeless body in the hopes that he could still feel them.
"I love you Loki, for all time, always." Jenna cried through tears.

As she knelt back her tears continued to fall, causing her to also let out an ear piercing scream. This caused the ship to be even more damaged as her purple surge of power flooded all corners of it. As she calmed down and controlled her power and breathing a realisation came to mind.

An idea had flashed into her head. Her hands were orange as she waved them over Loki's body. Then she tumbled to Heimdall's and did the same.
"What the hell was that Jen?" Thor was fearful,
"I stored their souls and bodies in my heart," Thor still looked very confused, "your going to have to trust me Thor."

The ship started to rumble. It was going to explode.

Jenna grabbed Thor before teleporting them both somewhere.

But where did they go?

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