Taking all the stupid with you

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"This may be a very odd question but what year is this?"
"It's 1942 doll" Bucky replied, he was sporting a soldier's uniform, he looked very dapper.
"Ah yes it is thank you, I get a bit muddled up sometimes" Jenna tried to sound as convincing as she could, to make it seem that she actually was from Earth and not some far off planet in space.

"Where are you from, you seem a bit flustered?" Steve asked out of kindness,
"I'm from...England, I just moved here and I know no one and have no idea where I am going"
"Well if it's okay with Steve here, we would like to take you to the future."
"The future?" Steve and Jenna said in unison. Bucky whipped out a leaflet from his uniform pocket, it was labelled 'Stark Expo'.
"The future" Bucky stated.

The expo was magical, Howard Stark showcased contraptions such as flying cars and various other electronics, however Jenna's favourite was a small music player, she made her way over to the mini vinyl collection to find one to put into the player, she only wanted one song, as it would remind her of this moment forever.
Her hands skimmed over the many on show, but she fell in love with one in particular. It was 'if you love me' by Brenda Lee.
Bucky was so interested and amazed by everything on show at the expo, Steve was quite quiet, something seemed wrong, in the hours that Jenna had known him, he was usually bubbly and always had something to say. He was different this evening.

The three of them sat on a bench in the community park and watched the stars. The air was cold but oddly comforting. Bucky turned to Steve, Jenna knew it was their last day together before Bucky left for war, so she sat back and let them have their moment.
"Hey, don't do anything stupid until I get back" Bucky demanded of Steve,
"How can I? Your taking all the stupid with you." Steve replied. Bucky gave him a small salute as he left. Now it was just Steve and Jenna.

"Hey, what's up with you, you've been fine all day, now your a ball of sadness" Jenna pestered Steve,
"I feel guilty, there are all these men laying down their lives in the battlefield and all I can do is sit back and wait for them to return, all the officers made me out to be useless Jen. I don't want to be useless anymore. I'm going to enlist!"
"Enlist! Steve are you crazy, you will be killed the moment you step onto the battlefield"
"At least I tried."

*3 weeks later*

Jenna had followed Steve to the army base he was training on. She stepped up to the entrance but was abruptly stopped by a guard.
"Sorry Ma'am, you can't be here, it isn't safe for pretty ladies like you"
Jenna stared the guard dead in the eyes, his own eyes flashed with a red sheen, and he let Jenna in.
"The magic of mind manipulation" she muttered as she walked in.

The base was full of testosterone but one man stood out like a sore thumb. Steve. He spotted Jenna instantly, he made his way over to her.
"Hey Jen,"
"Hi Steve, I came to properly say goodbye, I wanted to see you one last time before you go out to battle."
"Thanks Jen, I'm gonna miss you" his Brooklyn accent was thick, now more than ever.
"I'm proud of you Steve, you didn't give up, look where you are now. Go find Bucky, make him proud too."
"I will"
Steve wrapped his arms around her waist, not wanting to let go.
Jenna looked down at him, a smile formed upon her lips, as did Steve.

Jenna got as far away from the camp as she could before she flew back to space.

Back on the camp, the sun had set. Steve was on a hammock outside as it was too warm to sleep inside. He was looking up at the stars, one glimmered and caught his attention. He had never seen a star do that before.

Little did he know, that star was Jenna. Leaving the atmosphere.

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