People of New Asgard

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The wind started to get colder as she got closer to the town and therefore the ocean. Dead in the centre of the town square was a large water fountain with tiny flowers climbing all the way around it. The only way she was able to see everyone in the square was if she stood upon the bakery balcony.

Jenna ran into the bakery just as the baker was leaving, he welcomed her back before he gave her directions on how to get up to the balcony, she thanked him before rushing up the flights of stairs.
The balcony could only stand two people maximum, the railings that were keeping her from falling off were painted an emerald green. Jenna looked to her left and imagined Loki standing next to her. He would have loved New Asgard and the people would have loved him.
Roughly two hundred Asgardians were gathered in the square to her Jenna, their new Queen, speak. She could see Valkyrie stood in the middle of the crowd, holding her thumbs up as a sign to comfort her.
Jenna took a deep breath in before she started her speech they were all eager to hear.

"People of New Asgard. We have all lost a lot over the past five years or so. We lost our friends, family, our realm which was most importantly, our home. Until the day comes that we can all be together in the home we lost, with the loved ones who aren't beside us anymore, we just have to treasure those memories that make life without them a little bit sweeter. I am determined to make New Asgard feel as much like home as possible. Prince Thor is away travelling so, as for now, he has appointed me Queen of New Asgard."

A round of applause filled the air as Jenna finished her sentence before beginning her new one.

"If you need anything at all, please feel free to come to me. If you have any trouble with moving items of furniture or large crates of goods, please feel free to ask Korg for help. KORG, give everyone a little wave." Jenna pointed at a waving Korg who was stood in a purple hawaiian shirt. "That's Korg everybody. For now, I am wishing you all an amazing day, remember, if you need anything, anything at all, my door is always open."

The crowd cheered Jenna as she waved. At the bottom of the bakery was Valkyrie, waiting to congratulate her.
"Jen, well done, you did well up there."
"Thanks V, I guess preparing a speech on the spot wasn't so hard."
"I'll let you get back to unpacking your things."

Jenna unlocked her door before shutting it behind her. On the floor infront of her were four large cardboard boxes. One labelled clothes, two labelled decor and the last one was labelled, Loki. It held all of Loki's belongings, his scarves, his helmets, his daggers and anything else from the compound that was his.

Jenna sighed before picking each one up with her magic and taking them upstairs.

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